You For Eternity

Chapter 1214: One twin for a lifetime (193)

Chu Chu thought, there are so many examples around her like Sheng Ming's situation?

Because she is in such a position, the people around her are either rich or noble, and the struggle between power and power will basically not change much.

Marriage is a great way for major families to preserve and even strengthen their own family power.

Far away, there are Ye Yunshen and Mu Qinxin. No matter how the Ye Mu family felt that they were a match made in heaven, no matter how Mu Qinxin waited for him, they couldn't change his mind.

Nearest, there are Xiao Yuanhang and Qian Churui. There is no need to say too much about this pair, it is also Qian Churui's obsession with Xiao Yuanhang, and he...

Among them, they are more or less related to him. Although Xiao Yuanhang's situation is slightly different, in the final analysis, they are all the same.

Sheng Ming is also engaged. According to the family's decision, or his personal anger, she is not very clear, but he knows to correct it before he makes a bigger mistake, so she feels that his future, at least not It would be a pity like Ye Yunshen and Xiao Yuanhang.

After all, whether Sheng Ming really likes her, she still doesn't know yet. But thinking of the pressure that the other two had unintentionally created for herself, in comparison, Sheng Ming really made her look very relaxed.

That's how it should be, how can life be smooth sailing? You don’t have to get what you can’t get. Try to let it go, isn’t it good?

At least she thinks that Sheng Ming and Xuan'er are also very good together.

And she and Sheng Ming can still be good friends. The previous things can be treated as jokes, and they can be laughed at without embarrassment.

Had it not been known that Sheng Ming was no longer thinking about her at least now, his hands on her shoulders would definitely be screwed off by Chu Chu.

Chu Chu turned his eyes and glared at him neither seriously nor seriously.


Sheng Ming took a breath, and moved his hand on Chu Chu's shoulder slightly. He smiled and said, "I remembered the fear of being overwhelmed by you..."

Chu Chu smiled slightly: "I thought you had forgotten it."

"How can it be, that's the only time I had a shoulder fall by a woman, how could I forget it!" Taking advantage of this gap, Sheng Ming had already put his hand back, "No, it's too long, it's really that way. The points are blurred."

"Then I will give you memories again?" Chu Chu raised an eyebrow and asked.

Hearing what he said, have you been thrown by a man? should be just a saying, the eldest master of the Sheng family, who is all right to throw him?

That's her.

"Don't don't..." Sheng Ming pushed his hands hurriedly, "So many people are watching."

Sheng Ming has already appeared, and Sheng Hongchang is not far away. The two juniors are chatting, Qian Chenghai and Sheng Hongchang have also met, talking and laughing.

There were some conflicts because of the two juniors before, but the time has passed so long, I have let go of it a long time ago, and I will take it to heart.

Sheng Ming gave Chu Chu a reassurance pill, "Don't worry, I am free now."


To say that the Sheng family is also a big deal, how could she not hear any noise?

"This kind of thing must be done low-key, do you expect me to give you a wedding feast?"

"Puff......" Chu Chu was amused when he heard it, "The first time I listened, if you really do, Master Sheng, I will definitely go to join him."

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