You For Eternity

Chapter 1215: One twin for a lifetime (194)

That is to say, jokingly said, like their identity, can cover up the past in a low-key, everyone knows that even if it is well known, what kind of remorseful wedding feast do you have high-profile?

Uncle Sheng has to break his leg...

Obviously it is impossible.

"Sister Chu Chu, isn't it good to bury me like this?"


The two elders watched them chatting happily, and walked over while chatting. Sheng Hongchang had no resentment towards Chu Chu at the moment, and joked to her: "Chu Chu, our family Sheng Ming regretted the marriage for you. , Look at this..."

Qian Chenghai also heard this on the spot, and was shocked, why...The runaway little **** of the Sheng family is making trouble again?

How could it have something to do with their family Chuchu again!

After so many birthdays, is it...

Chu Chu looked at him apologetically: "Uncle Sheng, don't make a joke on me. You think that scared my dad, he takes it seriously."

Chu Chu's words also relieved Qian Chenghai's heart, but the worries on his face that hadn't been put away after all did not escape the eyes of an old friend. He just heard the man laugh and say, "You're kidding! This kid! I can't control it anymore. The two families have reached an agreement anyway, so let them go."

"Sheng Ming," Qian Chenghai also joked at him in turn, "You can relax, uncle has a bad heart."

"Good!" Sheng Ming obediently agreed, with a big smile, "Uncle, put your heart in your pocket!"

It's a fact, no matter how much he makes the world upside down, he won't have anything to do with Qianjia anymore.

The elders talked about the elders, and the younger generations talked about the younger generations. Seeing that there are everyone in this hall and it is very lively. Chu Chu couldn't recognize it for a while, and asked Sheng Ming suspiciously: "Who is coming tonight? You don't like this so much. Uncle Sheng has been pulled over all these occasions. Is it a very important person?"

"I don't know who is from which country."

"Nonsense...otherwise could it be something that Foreign Li does?"

Dare to feel that Sheng Ming knows no more information than her, she actually counted on him.

"Oh... I don't know, I'm not interested. My dad said he must come. I just came here if I couldn't shirk it, no matter who he is."

Chu Chu didn't bother to talk to him any more, took a glass of wine from the passing waiter and took a sip, his eyes continuously moving in this place.

Suddenly, her whole body became stiff.

"Hi?" Sheng Ming saw where she was staring blankly, and waved her hand in front of her.

It just so happened that Chu Chu put the wine glass in his hand and waved it away, stepping on high heels and ran quickly in a certain direction.

"Hey?" Sheng Ming looked at the wine glass for a moment, "Chu Chu! Where are you going?"

Leaving her alone is not the way to go. After catching a waiter, he handed him the wine glass and followed Chu Chu's direction.

Chu Chu stood at a place where light and darkness meet, not knowing what he was looking at.

"I said, sister Chu Chu, you ran away without saying a word, what do you mean? Damn it?"

Chu Chu did not answer, so he patted her: "Qian Chuchu!!"

"Huh?" Chu Chu turned around suddenly, startled, "Sheng Ming? What are you doing here?"

"I'm asking you this, right? What are you doing here? Is there anyone here?" He poked his head to see, black and black, people? There is not a single ghost!

"Nothing... I thought I saw someone I knew."

that person……

Is it Hengzhi?

She was gone after a few steps.

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