You For Eternity

Chapter 1216: One double for a lifetime (195)

She wondered if she hadn't seen him for too long, so she thought it was him when she saw a similar person?

After all, if it was really him, what would he do so fast...

No, according to the perspective just now, it is also possible that she was not seen at all.

Chu Chu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, but it was still turned off.

When she returned to the home court, she separated from Sheng Ming and them.

Qian Chenghai no longer stood with Sheng Hongchang. After all, he didn't come here to chat with old friends.

No, Chu Chu followed his father, and the person standing opposite them suddenly became another person.

Chu Chu had seen it many times. Huang Heng, the director of the Concierge Department, politely called Uncle Huang.

Huang Heng looked at Chu Chu, and the opening was inevitable with a compliment: "Peach is getting more and more beautiful--oh no, it's called Chu Chu now, right?"

The elders are not as gossip as the younger ones, and they know a general idea, knowing that she is not Qian Chenghai's biological daughter, and changed her name to Qian Chuchu.

Others did not care too much.

This circle is messed up, where can one sentence be clear.

"Don't praise her, save her airy."

"Well," Director Huang said with a smile, "It's a fact that the longer Chu Chu is, the more beautiful it is. Chu Chu, I remember that you play the piano very well. Will you be interested in showing it later and help everyone?"

"Uh..." This happened a bit suddenly, making Chu Chu stunned.

She's here to make soy sauce... Why did she perform?

Qian Chenghai looked at Chu Chu suddenly.

I don't know much about music. I only know that in the past, everyone praised Taozi (Chu Nian) as a genius, saying that she would have great accomplishments in music and that she would definitely become a world-famous musician in the future.

Later, something happened. She stopped touching the piano and he didn’t force her to recover slowly. Even if she didn’t learn music anymore, he must respect her choice. He was not a musician or something. She had to be.

But later, she was admitted to the Mork Conservatory, and he thought she was back on track.

I just don't know why, after returning, she didn't work in music, and wanted to contact her secretly, but she also declined.

For Qian Chenghai, her daughter's wishes are the most important, so she will not be forced.

When Huang Heng mentioned it, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't heard his daughter play the piano for a long time. To be precise, it was actually a peach. Because later Chu Chu became a peach, she rarely played the piano at home, and maybe she played the piano. He was not there at that time.

Seeing Chu Chu's reaction like this, Qian Chenghai couldn't guarantee that Chu Chu was still in the state, and it was too embarrassing for her. I didn't ask her, as if she had declined, but at this moment, Huang Heng suddenly remembered something, and suddenly left her a way of retreat: "It's okay! It's okay if you don't want to play it. Come here today and have fun."

He suddenly remembered Qianjia's gossip. He heard that it was originally a twin, and his sister and sister had switched identities. At this time, she hesitated when she saw it, wondering if this sister actually didn't understand music?

Then, if you divide five by two, you can't embarrass her.

"Well, thank Uncle Huang, I won't go up to show my ugliness." Chu Chu nodded, never expecting Director Huang to have gone so far.

Of course she was even happier with this proposal. She didn't come all the way to cheer everyone up.

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