You For Eternity

Chapter 1221: One double for a lifetime (200)

As long as you know these things in the official shopping malls, you don't need to deliberately reveal them.

After the song was finished, the beating notes stopped, and the air in the hall stagnated for a moment. It took a while for someone to react and take the lead in applauding.

How should I put it, I don't understand, but I don't know how to be strong?

The combination of hand speed and musicality makes the layman hear only two words: awesome!

Chu Chu stood up, walked to the center of the stage, bowed slightly to the audience below, and was about to go down, suddenly heard a female voice below: "What is this playing? I have never heard of it. , Shouldn't it be a mess?"

Chu Chu's figure paused slightly.

The people next to the girl wanted to pull her, as if it was too late to pull, they still let her finish the sentence.

Even those who didn't understand it at the scene felt that these words were really a bit stubborn: It sounds so good, even if you haven't heard it, it's definitely not a mess? Do you know how to appreciate it?

It is true that at first some people thought that Chu Chu was just ostentatious, but this music matter, you know if there is any, do you need to guess?

No matter how uncomfortable Qianjia is, it shouldn't be a fuss in this regard.

Chu Chu raised his head and looked in the approximate direction of the sound source. Among the group of people, there was only one girl who was similar to her age, with a proud expression, and she must be correct.

She doesn't have any impression of this person, but the face seems to have been seen before, it should be the daughter of a high-ranking official and noble family whom she has seen at some previous banquets.

"Sorry, I composed this piece by myself. It was the first time I showed my ugliness in front of everyone. Naturally, this elder sister had never heard it." Chu Chu replied, smiling, with an elegant temperament and a deterrent aura. .

In this way, the comparison between the stage and the stage, which is higher and lower, is clear at a glance.

Under this sharp contrast, Chu Chu suddenly added a bit of face to Qian Chenghai.

"Oh! You said that you composed the music yourself, and you said it was the first time you played, so how do we know if you played it right?"

The aggressiveness of this wealthy daughter made Chu Chu wonder if she had offended her before? So looking for revenge?

Unfortunately, she didn't even remember who she was, and she really didn't know if she had offended it.

"Then, according to you, what should I do? Can't let me write this tune on the spot, and waste the time of so many big people on the scene?"

"In my opinion, wouldn't it be enough for you to play a well-known world famous song?" The speaker was Budi.

Huang Heng saw that Chu Chu was indeed okay, and then continued: "Yeah, Chu Chu, you just flick the head and everyone knows it."

"Okay." Chu Chu turned around and walked back.

Now that it has come up, let her convince her.

A smile flicked across Chu Chu's mouth, and people who understood suddenly felt... what did she seem to be making?

As soon as the track came out, everyone was embarrassed--

Happy birthday song!

world Classic music?

We all know?



Even kindergarten children can sing, old women and everybody know it.

As soon as this tune came out, I suddenly burst into laughter.

Although this happy birthday song has also been adapted, it seems to be perfunctory how it sounds.

For Chu Chu, who graduated from Mork Conservatory of Music, this is simply kindergarten level. After turning leisurely to see the reaction below, Budi is smiling happily.

Just now, the girl suddenly stood up with anger, "Are you kidding me?!"

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