You For Eternity

Chapter 1222: One twin for a lifetime (201)

The birthday song was born short, and it was over in a while. Chu Chu didn’t plan to deal with her any more this time. She looked sideways and smiled and said, “Didn’t I do it as you asked? What are you dissatisfied with?"

Really, nothing wrong!

In fact, Chu Chu didn't need to do anything to prove herself anymore. As soon as she finished playing the first song, most people except her knew that she was not in vain, which had achieved her goal.


The people around the girl hurriedly pulled her, said something softly, and pulled her off, because at that time everyone had looked over and talked a lot.

Since then, no one has embarrassed her.

Chu Chu stepped down, and after his father praised her, he asked: "Obviously, he played so well, why did he put the music down again after he came back?"

Chu Chu actually prepared her excuses before returning to China, but her father understood her too much. She said that she didn't want to do music anymore, so her father didn't even ask why.

The previous rhetoric is no longer important. Now, there is a more important reason to convince my father: "Because that is my sister's dream, not mine."

Qian Chenghai was stunned for a moment, and he understood, and stopped asking.

Chu Chu and Taozi look so alike, he often doesn't know the difference between them, and sometimes he wants to string together.

In fact, he didn't want to divide it too clearly, because it reminded him of the fact that Peach is no longer there, which is very sad.

Budi said: "Miss Qian's piano skill is really perfect."

"His Royal Highness also uses idioms very well. It seems that there is a very good language teacher."

Worried that something bad would happen to be alone with Budi, Chu Chu almost stayed with his father in the next time.

But Qian Chenghai always needs to leave alone for a while, can't Chu Chu follow to the men's bathroom?

Qian Chenghai's sharp eyes can also see something: "What's the matter with the crown prince? You seem to be afraid of him?"

"Your daughter, I'm so beautiful, what should I do if he sees it." Chu Chu smiled happily.

Qian Chenghai also laughed and agreed: "That's true, then don't run around, I will go back."


Chu Chu stood in a clearing and waited for his father to return. He turned around, but he didn't see Budi.

With a suspicious attitude in her heart, someone suddenly stretched out a hand from behind her.

The alert Chu Chu immediately clasped the hand and twisted the joint to take him off.

"Mrs. Li... murder her husband?"

Chu Chu heard his voice before seeing him, and was stunned for a moment.

Li Hengzhi's hand was let go, and the face that made her want to worry about it appeared in front of her at this moment.

It's him……

She didn't read it wrong, he was the figure that flashed by before?

Many strange emotions flowed through Chu Chu's eyes, which were too complicated to speak.

Worry, harsh, angry.

Seeing the anger in her eyes, Li Hengzhi curled his mouth, trying to confuse her with a smile: "Please slap her face...ah..."

Before he could finish his words, Li Hengzhi was punched unceremoniously in the abdomen by Chu Chu, and a sentence was written on his angrily face: OK, what you said, don't beat your face, you will be done!

"Li Hengzhi! You still know to come back!"

He was bent over, unable to get up for a long time, and took a step back.

Chu Chu couldn't tell whether it was acting or real.

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