You For Eternity

Chapter 1227: One twin for a lifetime (206)

Everyone looked towards the place where the sound was made.

In one place on the second floor, Josie stood openly, but she didn't have any weapons in her hands.

Suddenly, half of the guns were aimed at this person who appeared suddenly.

Sister Josie...

Why is she there?

She doesn't have a weapon, how did the red dot on Budi's forehead come from?

Since Josie took her to Mao Yeyan and Jiang Wan last time, Chu Chu had already decided something in her heart.

Josie is no ordinary person, she is not as simple as Li Hengzhi's secretary that she has seen on the surface.

From the beginning, she felt that Josie and Li Hengzhi did not get along like ordinary superiors and subordinates. She gave her the feeling that she didn't completely obey him.

Faced with so many gunpoints, Josie's reaction was as calm as before, just like Li Hengzhi, not paying attention to these dangerous things at all.

She didn't move at all, just spread her hands towards them and looked out.

Chu Chu followed her gaze and saw that there was a tall building 100 meters away from the glass windows of the auditorium.

She must be able to see nothing with the naked eye, only the darkness.

But Josie’s meaning is not difficult to understand, is it... there is a sniper on the top floor of the building?

"Close the curtains!" Captain Wang ordered.

"Bang!" Josie made an aiming action, "I advise you not, do you think... is it because you draw the curtains quickly, or does he pull the trigger quickly?"

"Wait—" Captain Wang drank and stopped his men.

Because he understands that they are likely to say that once someone draws the curtain, they will do something.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Team Wang asked, looking at Li Hengzhi and then at Josie.

Obviously, even the sniper is in ambush, all this is not so simple by accident!

Chu Chu was also a little surprised.

The one over there must be theirs, but when they come, they will wait in an ambush... What are they trying to do?

Or is it just that the people who simply prevent Budi are against them?

Captain Wang would definitely not think of this level, because he couldn't imagine that a dignified prince would have something to do with Li Hengzhi. Since it didn't matter, there would be no conflict.

"What can I do..." Josie was completely innocent, "I'm just a secretary."


The sudden laughter came from Budi, who was still sitting on the ground. No one knew what he was laughing at.

"Interesting," he said with a smile suddenly, "have suffered a loss, learned to be smart?"

Not as nervous as the others around him, Budi, the person involved, stood up by himself, completely ignoring the red dot on his body, and walked towards Li Hengzhi wantonly.

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

He was so casual that he was very scared under his hand and Captain Wang.

His hand made a gun gesture, his index finger was placed on Li Hengzhi's forehead, his mouth made a "bang", and he laughed, "You know why I didn't kill you, right? You know **** someone." It's too easy, it's boring. If I wanted to kill you, you couldn't get out of Butler."

Budi's words left Captain Wang confused.

Chu Chu understood more than half.

At the beginning... was it the time when he was forcibly taken to Barrett?

"It's like you can let your people shoot and kill me right now. That's so easy. But you won't. There is no way to kill me. Kill me, today you and your wife and children , And Yue Zhang, can't get out of this door. Even if you get out, you can't get out of this country. Who made me the king and prince of Butler? And you...not even a dog."

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