You For Eternity

Chapter 1228: One double for a lifetime (207)

Budi's voice is not light or heavy this time, it just happens to be a decibel that the people around Captain Wang can hear.

They looked at each other, as if they couldn't understand the meaning of this.

Why did Prince Budi kill Fourth Master Li?

Why can't Fourth Master Li get out of Butler...

And Fourth Master Li wants to kill the king and prince?

What's all this...

What are their grudges?

Chu Chu thought to herself, if she hadn't known something in advance, I'm afraid she would be the same as those people, and she would be confused.

However, even those who know some inside information do not understand their conversation too much.

But whether she understood or not, Budi's words made her very angry!

"His Royal Highness, you are a prince, and you have lost Butler's face with such vulgar words. If the king and his old man know that you are embarrassing and thrown in Haicheng, he doesn't know if he can put his old face down. "Chu Chu stood beside Li Hengzhi and took his hand.

She told him physically that no matter what happened, she would stand by his side.

"Heh," Budi looked over and stared at Chu Chu, "Mrs. Li is angry? Because I said that your husband is not? But have you forgotten, the man you maintained everywhere, he has betrayed you. "

Li Hengzhi's eyes tightened and turned to look at Chu Chu.

Regarding Budi's insults, he didn't take it seriously. It was commonplace for him. But the turning of his gun head at this moment made him feel nervous.

He doesn't care what Budi said, but Chu Churuo misunderstood him...

Before Li Hengzhi had time to worry any more, Chu Chu still held his hand and kept holding him: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your concern, but this is our husband and wife's own business. Even if your Royal Highness wants to manage, you should also take care of your own country. You shouldn’t reach out to us for household chores. You’re too generous."

Budi, who has been very arrogant since the beginning, doesn't put anything in his eyes, but now his eyes are a little wrong.

He finally felt something.

Without Li Hengzhi by her side, she was sleek and low-key, but with Li Hengzhi by her side, she had no intention of giving in at all!

what does this mean?

It means that she believes in the man next to her. He gave her a certain sense of security. She firmly believes that Li Hengzhi has the power to compete with him, so she is not as scared as when she was alone.

Not to mention whether he really has the power to compete with him, her trust alone made him feel extremely unhappy.

"Mrs. Li really has sharp teeth." Budi snorted coldly.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chu Chu smiled calmly.

"Okay, there will be opportunities in the future." Not pleased here today, Budi turned and left.

And he actually left like this, making everyone overwhelmed.

Li Hengzhi hit the king and prince of a country, but it turned out to be no result?

Is this all over?

If this matter spreads out, wouldn't it have contributed to Li Hengzhi's prestige?

After hitting the prince, nothing happened. Then who else would he dare not hit?

Budi took his people away, so Wang team will not have the need to stay.

Chu Chu heard that he asked him to go to the opposite building to intercept, but she believed that he should have heard it too, and he wouldn't cause trouble to his people.

Chu Chu touched his injury: "He did it?"

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