You For Eternity

Chapter 1249: One double for a lifetime (228)

Nianxin didn't breathe out in one breath, and then continued: "...that's not good?"

Xiaobai and Lan Fei have been in the same room several times, right? It is said that the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, without such a waste!

But that’s right...

She has been in the Bai's house for so long and has never heard of Xiao Bai having a girlfriend. She has never seen a second woman besides her. It was also last year that she was engaged to Lan Fei...

Is this the truth?

Bai Yujing: "..."

"Uh..." Nianxin suddenly felt that the steaming bathroom was a bit cold, and silently turned her head to the wall, "When I didn't say..."

How could she ask it out quickly?

If it is true, it would be a shame for men!

How can a man like Xiaobai who stands at the top have such a shame?

"Bai Nianxin."

Hmm... oh oh oh, it's all called full names!

Can she be invisible at the moment?

Unconsciously, Nianxin slipped her body and sank silently into the bottom of the water-yes, the transparent bottom.

I don't know what's the use, just hide away.

However, with a splash of water, she was brought out.

Bai Yujing approached her in time: "What did you just say, say it again."

The sound was close at hand, which of course she could feel without opening her eyes.

"I was wrong, uncle..." Nianxin hurriedly blocked her face with her hand, "You didn't hear anything just now!"


Bai Yujing was stunned for a moment.

It seems that I haven't heard this name for a long time, and it feels like a long absence.

"Don't call me uncle."

"I was wrong, Xiao Bai..."

Bai Yujing hooked his lips again.

Sure enough, some things have long been different.

The name he once thought was childish, now it sounds so kind.

He still remembered that when Nianxin yelled these two words for the first time that year, the whole body was frightened to death. However, she was a fearless appearance that he would not move her.

However, as she expected, he was not angry.

Although he never expressed his opinion, this different name gave him a very strange feeling.

Bai Yujing, or Bai Erye, have put him a layer of shackles, love and responsibility; and Xiaobai, this name sounds ridiculous to others, but it makes him feel that besides the second master Bai, he also It can be an ordinary person.

But in the past, the feeling was still very weak. He didn't think too much, but subconsciously accepted what Nianxin called him. Later, grandpa would call him that way.

Bai Yujing leaned close to Nianxin's ear and said quietly: "Can I do it, you who were in the cabin that day... don't you really know?"


Nianxin's two face-covering hands fell into the water, she opened her eyes and blinked: "Eh...yes...but, why are you...I..."

"Do you think I feel good now? Bai Nianxin?" His expression became serious, "Hurry up, or you are torturing me."

After getting the answer, Nianxin was relieved, and he smiled: " can go out first, I can wash it myself, and I will call you after I wash it. You keep looking at me, I am shy..."

"Do you still know how to write the word shy?" Bai Yujing actually went out.

Just kidding, she thought, could he really do nothing?

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