You For Eternity

Chapter 1250: One double for a lifetime (229)

However, after taking a bath, Nianxin did not call Bai Yujing.

She tried to stand up on both sides of the bathtub by herself.

Luo Xing said that she was lucky and did not hurt her nerves. However, she thought for a while and couldn't walk on the ground immediately. She was afraid that her legs might be affected.

Just as Bai Yujing was thinking whether she had been washing for a long time, there was a sound of ping-pong-pong in the bathroom.


He almost immediately put down what he was holding and rushed to the bathroom.

As soon as the door opened, Nianxin fell to the ground, and there were blood stains on the ground.


"Um..." Nianxin endured the pain, and was lifted up by him, opening her arms.

"Didn't you tell me to call me after washing? Why do you want to—"

His reprimand disappeared after seeing her tears coming out of pain. "It's my fault."

He took all the responsibilities on himself in a single brain.

"What's up with you..." Nianxin couldn't laugh or cry. "I wanted to try my best, but I didn't succeed.... really hurts."

"..." Bai Yujing felt uncomfortable.

He was angry that he couldn't protect her from being so close, causing her to be injured again.

The blood stain was obvious on her white arm.

He endured: "Let's go out and bandage first."

Bai Yujing wanted to pick her up, but suddenly he was taken aback.

Nianxin's eyes...

Suddenly it became a little strange.

But he didn't have time to think too much, because the next second her tears could not stop falling.

"Does it hurt?"

What should he do!

If he can, he is willing to bear all her pain.

He was once a master of the situation, but he has nothing to do with this situation.

" hurts a bit."

In the bedroom.

Although Luo Xing was out at this time, he could still deal with this kind of injury.

When the treatment was almost finished, he saw Nianxin still crying, and slapped her hair: "There is no next time, I will definitely not hurt you again."

"It doesn't matter..." Nianxin was forcibly enduring something, but in the end it all failed, and this time, the tear ducts seemed to be out of control.

The tears like rain made Bai Yujing's whole body startled: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Caring is chaotic. After calming down a little bit, I realize that there is something wrong with my mind.

Even if you are afraid of pain, you can't cry like this, something must have happened.

Nianxin looked at him crying like a child, her teary eyes dim: "Could it be that you are looking at such an ugly me these days?"

She stood up, though reluctantly.

But just after she stood up, she saw the face that frightened herself in the half-length mirror above the washstand.

She was so frightened that she hit something and fell down herself.

Her face...

Her face is ruined!

A very long scar almost penetrated half of her face.

She was terrified.

Bai Yujing was startled, it turned out...

"Sorry, I didn't tell you in advance," he held her face and put his fingers on her scars, "because, I forgot."


He knows the fragility and hesitation of Nianxin at this moment.

"Well, forgot," he said flatly, "In my eyes, nothing is more important than your survival. I don't care about what you look like. I saw that scar, but it is subconscious. Li didn’t notice this at all. I only know one thing. You came alive and came back to me. I was grateful and happy, so I forgot to tell you.”

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