You For Eternity

Chapter 1268: One twin for a lifetime (247)

Various roses of various colors came in one after another, attracting people from other departments to come and watch. Chu Chu couldn’t wait any longer, and no one claimed it anyway. He caught one person and asked, “What is this flower? Who is it for? Did you go to the wrong place? Just put it aside without asking, this is not a flower shop!"

"Isn't this a TV station? Wait..." The man took out the task from his pocket and looked at it. "999 bouquets of roses of different origins and colors are given to Miss Qian Chuchu from the news department of HC TV."


Everyone vomited blood.

999 bundles! It's a beam! Not Duo!

So the result was the same, and it was indeed given to Chu Chu!

Gu Tong laughed too: "Hahaha... it's something that a big president can do! 999 bundles!"

"Oh my god...999 much is that...I don't understand the world of tyrants..."

"However, I am still envious! I haven't collected so many flowers in my life..."

Suddenly, various voices of envy, jealousy and hatred were fluctuating.

"Yes... haven't moved yet?"

The employees are also sweating in this winter: "It's early, there are still half of the cars."

Chu Chu staggered and almost couldn't stand firm, his heart ached to death.

"I'll do the math, how much money do I get here..."

Chief Executive, you can't spend that way if you have money?

999 bunches, a bunch of 99 flowers, the price of Valentine's Day roses has doubled several times. Among them, red roses are not common. Other varieties of roses are several times more expensive than ordinary roses...

No more...

Chu Chu clutched her chest, always feeling a mouthful of blood stuffy in her heart, and she couldn't vomit even if she wanted to vomit.

Waste, waste! !

"Brother, can I return the goods?"

"Refund is possible, but the money has already been paid, Miss Qian, are you sure you want to return the goods?"

"..." Give her a knife.

Gu Tong put her on her side and laughed haha: "Fortunately, it was not given to me, otherwise I would have to go back and break Li Tianyou's legs. This method of showing off wealth is not something everyone can do. It's true. Chief Executive! If you don't make a move, it's a shocking move! But our big boss has money. 999 bundles are nothing. If you didn't give you 9999 bundles, it has been very convergent."

"He dare!!" Chu Chu was angrily, "He must really dare to send 9999 bundles over and get a divorce!! This day can't be passed!!"

Forget the diamonds, good value for money, what are flowers! ! It will die! This means that the money is like a ditch...

How can a heartache.

Gu Tong patted her on the shoulder: "An La An, isn't this teaching you how to be a qualified rich young grandmother? That's a small amount of money! Oh no... my Royal Highness?"

The last half sentence came to her ear and said quietly.

"Ball! I'm going to tear it up tonight!"

What romance! What a surprise!

She only has the anger to let out!

After all, Chu Chu had already picked up the phone to call him.

"Eh wait..." Gu Tong looked at the direction of the door, and suddenly held her hand, "Things are turning around, you see who it is."


What turnaround, he came to make her tear it up?

Chu Chu turned around and saw that the phone almost fell to the ground.

People around were all talking, "Who is that... why haven't you seen it?"

"It looks like a mixed race..."

The nobleness of this person cannot be ignored, and it is impossible to just pass by because of his looks.

Everyone immediately understood that these flowers were given by this person! !

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