You For Eternity

Chapter 1269: One double for a lifetime (248)

But what is the situation?

Haven't heard that President Li went for plastic surgery?

Everyone at the scene knew Li Hengzhi, this one was definitely not him!

If not, what is going on right now?

Who is he and what do you want to send these flowers to?

A few people approached and whispered in a place far away from Chu Chu and the others.

"Speaking of speaking, Qian Chuchu has a face that doesn't look like he has been married for many years, and that he has a four-year-old son!"

"What the hell, she was not very old, she was just married earlier."

"So if you weren't a native of China and didn't know anything about her and Mr. Li, you would probably think she was single, right? She is so beautiful. Those men in our station would have known her as a master. , As well as self-knowledge, knowing that this wall is so strong that it can hardly be dug, and people who come to our department every day may be able to queue outside the city gate."

"Envy and jealousy... reincarnation is really a technical job!"

"Do you want a beast foster father?"

"Oh... forget this step."

"I don't know who this person is. If he knows that the woman he is going to grab is Fourth Master Li's woman, I don't know if he will turn around and run away in fright."

"What do you want? A man who can give away 999 bouquets of roses of different varieties at hand, can he be a general generation? In this case, he is a second-generation X with a very hard background? Our minister can really give our department With long faces, none of the men attracted are fuel-efficient lamps."

Chu Chu could hear the voices of people around him getting louder and louder, but she didn't want to listen, because the man who appeared suddenly was enough to make her headache.

"Ah..." Gu Tong had heard Chu Chu talk about Budi, and he knew that it was a difficult and unhelpful existence, "It's troublesome now..."

It was unexpected that Budi would appear here.

Budi’s eyes met Chu Chu, his voice was neither light nor heavy, but everyone in the office could hear: "Miss Qian, do you still like the flowers I gave?"

Chu Chu found a way and walked to him and said, "Master Moni, please don't do this in the future. I won't accept these flowers, please take them back."

She can't call him "Prince Budi" here, this will definitely cause a commotion on the TV station.

Fortunately, Budi didn't mean to reveal his identity. As for the existence of a prince, the less people knew about it, the better. On the one hand, it was also for his own safety.

"They really know..."

"It sounds like Sister Chu Chu didn't conceal that she was married. This is too easy to expose in Haicheng, and there is no need to lie. So... Budi knows she has a master, so...?"

"Oh my God... what should I say..."

The louder and louder discussion made Chu Chu no way to allow others to watch. For fear that Budi would do something more exaggerated in his excitement, he said, "Master Moni, let's talk outside."

Gu Tong also followed, but Chu Chu called to stop, "You wait for me here."

In broad daylight, the sky is clear, and he should not be able to abduct her before he knows it.

If he wanted to go like this, he would have done it long ago, Li Hengzhi said, he likes to boil frogs in warm water and enjoy the process slowly.

Get it directly, not his style, and, in this way, he probably won't have much fun anymore.

As soon as Chu Chu and Budi left, everyone seemed to have negotiated and turned to Gu Tong.

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