You For Eternity

Chapter 1270: One twin for a lifetime (249)

"Tong Tong, just talk about gossip, who is that Master Moni? He is so handsome, he seems to be a half-blood! I have never heard of him, he is not our Haicheng?"

"Yes, Tongtong, you are Chu Chu's good girlfriend, you must know that?"

"Uh..." Gu Tong faltered.

Since Chu Chu called him Moni, she didn't want people to know that he was Prince Budi of Butler, she definitely couldn't say.

"I don't know anymore. That's what you heard. It's called Moni. It's indeed not our Haicheng. I don't know where it came from. He suddenly came out, pestering Chu Chu all the time, telling him that he was married and had children. Still can't run away, like a fly!"

"Ah... Then Li always has a rival in love?"

"Didn’t Mr. Li always have a rival in love? Don’t you know, we have a project contracted by Ye’s family, that Ye’s! Sister Chu Chu’s first love boyfriend!”

"Oh my **** is messy..."

"What's wrong here?" A voice suddenly came from the door, "So many flowers are..."

The crowd turned their heads and saw Kong Weiwei standing there, looking at their office. Gu Tong also looked up at her.

"Sister Vivi, there is a young master named Moni, who gave us Minister Qian 999 bunches of flowers!"


"Sister Vivi, do you know?"

"Oh... I don't know."

Gu Tong didn't know why, so he took a second look.

No, Chu Chu said, that night Director Zhang took their minister-level people to the dinner, and the person he wanted to see was Moni. Kong Weiwei must have seen it, how could he not?

They didn't know, how could she not know that she had a good relationship with Chu Chu?

Kong Weiwei seemed to be passing by, and left without asking much.


Gu Tong felt a little weird, and instinctively told her that there should be something tricky.

And after that night, every time Chu Chu and Kong Weiwei met, they felt so subtle that people couldn't tell. She asked, but Chu Chu didn't say it.

So she always felt that something must have happened that night.

Tianyou also mentioned that when Chu Chu went to find them that night, he was surrounded by a man named Lu Sheng, who was not the second master.

But at that time he only cared about her and didn't ask.

Chu Chu came back soon, alone.

"What about others?" Gu Tong looked behind her.

"Let's go," Chu Chu said, "It's all gone."

"Sister Chu Chu, these flowers..."

Chu Chu pondered for a moment: "Well, Peipei, you go to the Broadcasting Department and send an in-station broadcast, so that all those who are not off work can come and receive Valentine's Day benefits, regardless of gender, whoever wants it. "

This is the most effective and least wasteful way.

"Really! Can we pick first?"

"Whatever you do."

"Quickly, let's pick first!"

Except for Chu Chu and Gu Tong, they all looked for it.

After all, most people receive red roses, and there are more expensive and beautiful ones right now. How can they pick up a bunch of roses and be happy?

"Boss, can I pick up more?"

"Whatever you like, pick as many as you like, and more."

After the broadcast, not everyone will come to the News Department to pick up a bunch. It is certain that the venue will not be cleared.

"That's it? So many flowers, what a pity..."

"Fortunately, thinking that it was Budi's money, I was relieved a lot in an instant." Chu Chu smiled slightly.

Anyway, that Budi is not a good thing, and annoying, and now he has so much money to spend, it can be regarded as a relief.

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