You For Eternity

Chapter 1276: One double for a lifetime (255)

"Ah, it's okay, work is important, I understand."

Chu Chu's reasonableness made Li Hengzhi more guilty.

On such an important day, he should have spent more time with her, but the branch had a serious mistake, and he needed to act in person.

Once people stand in a certain position, they will become more and more involuntary.

Xiangshui Bend.

Since Ji Xuan got a job, she has moved out of here and no longer serves as Li Hengzhi's babysitter. But both of them have jobs, and the time is not fixed. Although Qianyi is smart and has a high double quotient, he is still only a child after all. He is not assured that he is at home alone. Therefore, let Ji Xuan’s mother Ji Qin come over Up.

With so many things happening in the Bai family, Li Yunyan hasn't come back in Jiangchuan, Ji Qin is also idle, and she is very happy to take care of the young master.

"Young master and grandma are back," Ji Qin came out from the kitchen, "the time is just right, you can eat, I'll call the young master to come down."

"No need for Grandma Ji, I'm coming down." Qianyi just came out of the room and came downstairs.

"Little Master is really good."

Li Hengzhi didn't have any rules. He sat down and saw that Ji Qin was still busy, so he called her: "It's OK Aunt Qin, I'll deal with it later, let's come over for dinner first, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Xuan'er, how are you doing?"

"It's fine." He smiled, but it was Chu Chu.

"Does the young lady have contact with our family Xuan'er?"

"Uh... yes." Of course she didn't talk about Shengming.

But she couldn't get away from Li Hengzhi's eyes with her little bit of tricks, he leaned over and asked softly, "What's the situation?"

Chu Chu also leaned over and said quietly: "I saw Sheng Ming at the welcome banquet organized by Director Huang. Today is Valentine's Day. Can the young master have nothing to say? Maybe when Xuan'er is moved, they will officially be there. It's together, can you say it's OK?"

When Li Heng heard it, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Okay, great."

Sheng Ming went to chase Xuan'er, wouldn't he have one less rival in love? How can it be bad.

Retreat in the face of difficulties, count him as acquaintance.

"Huh, Qianyi, are you finished?"

The two chatted, not noticing that Qianyi had finished eating, and crawled down.

"Well, I'm finished, you eat slowly."

"Huh? Where can I go in such a hurry?"

"I'm videoing with little fool." After speaking, he rushed upstairs.

"..." Chu Chu blinked, "Husband, speaking of it, anyway, you are not related to Nianxin. Isn't this little guy and Wei Young..."

"Do you think our son will react slower than you?"

"Ah! When did it happen! Isn't it always the love of brothers and sisters between them! I'm young, don't lie to me."

"Little boy, you know what love is, you take it seriously. Let's talk about it when they grow up, maybe when the love begins, there will be people they like."

Chu Chu mouthed, "No matter what, I always feel that Qianyi Baby has already won on the starting line."


When the two were making each other, Li Hengzhi's cell phone rang.

At first glance, Li Tianyou chose to shut down without hesitation.

"Why not pick up?"

"What do you think he is calling here at this time? Gu Tong is pregnant and just saw Hong. He will never touch even the upper brain of the worm. At this moment, he is probably happy and depressed. If he doesn't come to destroy us, can he be willing? "

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