You For Eternity

Chapter 1277: One double for a lifetime (257)

Chu Chu didn't seem to have heard him blatantly, and suddenly blurted out, making her smile even stronger.

How could she not know that he was uncomfortable?

Li Hengzhi couldn't help it a bit, and he was about to stand up to counter the pressure, and was stared back by Chu Chu with a sharp look: "Husband, I didn't say that, I'm taking care of you today, so don't move."

Li Hengzhi didn't dare to resist, so he lay back cowardly and looked at her frowningly: "My wife, I'm really wrong. I'll be punished to kneel. Can I kneel?"

"Why..." Chu Chu looked at him very innocently, "Why should you be punished to kneel? You bought me gifts, but I didn't buy them for you, so I came to be punished to kneel."

", my wife is always right."

Chu Chu climbed up to his body like a cat, and kissed from his neck to his ear, just like he usually treats her.

"People really just want to serve you, why are you so scared?"

Li Hengzhi's eyes had become muddy, and he gasped roughly, "My wife, let me do this kind of rough work."

He wanted to turn over again, but he was still pressed by Chu Chu, the queen said: "I said, I'll come."


The trouser chain was finally pulled apart, and the hot place was touched by her cold hands. The feeling was really sour and sour.

"Wife, don't you want to..." Li Hengzhi was a little surprised, "The foreplay hasn't yet..."

Her body should still be dry, so abruptness might hurt her——

Before the words were finished, Chu Chu was already relying on his own weight, frowning. Li Hengzhi's body also stiffened, and his hands supported her waist.

"It's okay..." Chu Chu smiled.

Li Hengzhi grabbed her body and matched her rhythm. His expression was a bit complicated, and he said intermittently, "Why... want this?"

Chu Chu raised his head, sweating profusely, "Because... I love you."

Fortunately, this room has double soundproofing. Everything in the room will not be transmitted outside.

(Pull the light, make up for it by yourself, and then write down to be harmonious_(:з」∠)_)


Afterwards, it was a little late, and it was late into the night.

The two took another request in the bathroom, romping around after taking a bath, tiring up and getting ready to go to bed.

Chu Chu changed into silk pajamas, and the room was warm, already hiding in the bed.

Wearing a bathrobe, Li Hengzhi opened the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, letting the cold wind blow in, changing to some fresh air, and closing it later.

When I returned to the bed, my hands and feet were blown cold by the wind, so I sat a little far away from Chu Chu, afraid of touching her.

Who knows that Chu Chu crawled over from the other side and threw on him.

"Fool, my body is very cold."

Chu Chu's face was warm and pressed against his open chest. It was indeed very cold, but she didn't move and raised her head to look at him: "It doesn't matter, cover it and it will be warm. I'll help you."

Li Hengzhi's eyes were startled, and when he felt Chu Chu's hand stretch down and touched him, he grabbed her: "I said my wife, don't you plan to sleep?"

What does it mean to "cover it and it will be warm"?

"Hehe, I will rest tomorrow and will not go to work."

Chu Chu gave him a lot of surprises today. He was thinking about it, his slender fingers raised her chin, and his tone was ambiguous: "I haven't fed you?"

"Yes, so hungry and hungry."

He was surprised and heard Chu Chu smile again: "It's funny, you're tired, you're going to sleep."

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