You For Eternity

Chapter 1288: One double for a lifetime (268)

He lay there without moving, holding her body with two hands, his tone was a little helpless, as usual: "Nianxin, stop making trouble."

In the past, because of the restrictions that he had branded in his heart, he could bear no matter how uncomfortable he was, because he didn't want to cross that line.

But after experiencing so much, he has already let go of the restraints, let alone...

They are not related at all.

He had thought about it countless times, but held back it again and again, because she had just recovered and was in poor health, so he warned himself not to move her.

The so-called delicacy is more fragrant when you look at it. Once you touch it, you will only know the taste and you can't stop it.

Nianxin is still the same as before, with the momentum of stalking, "You know I'm not making trouble, today Valentine's Day, don't you just want to give me a diamond necklace? No matter how expensive the necklace is, it's not as good as You are half good. You give yourself to me, okay? Or I give it to you, it's the same anyway."

"You are not healthy yet—"

"I'm done!" Nian Xin said anxiously.

She looked really worried, her brows frowned.

Seeing that he was silent, Nianxin immediately started to pull off his tie, and violently tore open his shirt. In that posture, people who didn't know thought they had changed their souls, and the idiot would force the good girl.

Bai Yujing: "..."

His fame as Bai Yujing I, really never encountered such a thing.

Who dares to beat his second master Bai?

But this girl just means: Whether you do or not tonight, give it to me!

"Really?" His eyes became darker, but he became more serious.

Nianxin's action: "If I say yes, will you fulfill me?"

"Fool..." He raised his hand and touched her face, "Is it not perfect for me. Let's take a bath first."

"Slowly...?" Nianxin's eyes narrowed, as sly as a fox.

Bai Yujing was really helpless and smiled: "Looking at your ambition, where can I hide? I'm afraid of you."

Nianxin will be suspicious, but still got up. At this moment, he was sitting on his waist, and his mouth said: "Why do I have an illusion that I am forcing you... After thinking about it, Bai Erye, I feel so impressed. Oh."

Bai Yujing looked at the ceiling and let out a long laugh.

Forget it, can't bear it.

"White girl, let you know later, I am not easy to provoke. You provoke me so many times, I will pay you back together."

Nianxin is not afraid to laugh back, something flashes in her eyes, it is expectation and excitement, holding her hand and saying: "Wow, okay, I'm afraid of death!"

The two went to the bathroom one after the other, Bai Yujing walked ahead, and Nianxin followed behind.

He suddenly stopped, Nianxin didn't pay attention, and bumped his head on his back.

He turned around and said: "So anxious? Wash it together?"

"Afraid of you?" Nian Xin smiled and provocatively said.

Anyway, she gave it up today, and will not give up if she doesn't eat Xiaobai!

"...Well, I'm afraid, I'll see you later." Bai Yujing is not easy to admit defeat, but in front of Nianxin, he is willing to keep losing.

The bathroom door closed, isolating the two.

After a while, there was the sound of water.

It can be said that he actually needs time.

He needs some time to sort out the bits and pieces between them, and today, it is not an end, but a new beginning.


He and Nianxin have a new future.

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