You For Eternity

Chapter 1289: 1312 One twin for a lifetime (272)

"Ah... it hurts..." Nianxin couldn't breathe, her eyes filled with tears.

Bai Yujing stunned, stopped her continued movement, rubbed her thumb across her cheek, and wiped away the crystal tears: "Does it hurt? I thought it was enough."

It was him who didn't know if he should continue.

What he didn't know was that at that moment, the scene from many years ago flashed in Nianxin's mind, and the tearing and painful memory resurfaced.

Nianxin burst into tears, and suddenly rejected him from the bottom of her heart that she wanted to push him: "Don't..."

Then he felt something was wrong, and remembered something.

"Nianxin, it's me."

The dim teary eyes could no longer see the image in front of her eyes, tears slid out of her eyes, and her vision became clear again, the dark shadows disappeared, and the face she was thinking about reappearing was overlapping.

"Xiao Bai...Woo..."

He is not willing to cry for her, but this step has to be taken all the time. If he can, he would rather wipe the shadow from her heart today.

Bai Yujing pityingly kissed the tears on her face dry, no longer meant to tease, her gentle voice has been soothing her: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I will let you know that love leaves more than pain. For the memory of my heart, bear with me a little bit, okay? Wait for you to adapt to it...

As Nianxin nodded, her body slowly...

He was really gentle, and in the memory, the stage that should have been so painful and unforgettable for her did not come.


Everything started to change...

When Nianxin became more and more confused, the deep memory in her mind was replaced by the present, the feeling... she had never experienced before.

In a daze, it seemed to understand a truth.

In fact, after that person was changed to Xiaobai, everything was different.

The painful memories will eventually be replaced by happy memories.

Her pain...

Was erased.


In the middle of the night, Nianxin woke up because of her body aches. She opened her eyes. There was some light in the room under the moonlight, so that she could see the man in front of her.


Xiaobai really belongs to her...


As if in a dream, the eyelids closed completely uncontrollably.

If it's a sweet dream... you will never wake up...

She really likes this dream.

A second later, Bai Yujing also opened his eyes.

He felt shallow, and when his mind turned, he woke up.

She didn't know when she put her hand outside the quilt, fearing that she would be cold, so she stroked the quilt, and quietly put her hand back into the quilt.

His hand touched her cheek and pressed it lightly, wiping the wetness from the corner of her eye.

Nianxin... he finally had it completely.

"I don't regret it, never will."


Because I was very tired and sore, I woke up very early. I kept tossing about in bed, and I didn't feel comfortable sleeping.

It's not that it's not sleepy, but it's difficult to sleep deeply because of uncomfortable.

Nianxin opened her eyes completely and saw Xiaobai looking at her sideways, blinking her eyes, her voice was a little hoarse: "Xiaobai...why are you looking at me like this."

Bai Yujing propped his temple with one hand, his eyes never shifted: "Because it looks good."

Nianxin also smiled slightly, "I think you look good, the more you look, the better you look, especially so beautiful, I am idiot you for a long time."

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