You For Eternity

Chapter 318: Where do you want me to lick? (2)

Feeling the sound of steps, Qiantao quickly put the things down and closed the drawer, pretending that nothing happened.


Li Nianxin's voice stopped abruptly.

She probably thought that the person in the room would be Li Hengzhi, but when she came in, she only saw Qiantao.

"En?" Qiantao turned around and saw her leaning against the door, "Nianxin, is it you? Are you awake?"

"My sister-in-law is back... where is my brother?"

"He is in the study."


Li Nianxin didn't seem to have any strength, Qian Tao watched her turn around with a suspicious expression on her face, took a glance, and ran to the door secretly, digging out half of her head to watch.

Li Nianxin entered the study and closed the door.

Are the two siblings talking about secrets? She closed the door, and she didn't listen...


"Shhh!" Qiantao, who was pasted on the door panel of the study, made a silent gesture to Ji Xuan, "Don't shout!"

Ji Xuan walked over lightly, glanced at her quietly, and said with a smile: "The study is double-insulated. Brother Li usually likes to read quietly and doesn't like noise. You can't hear it."

"Ah is it..." No wonder I can't hear anything.

"What do you want to overhear?"

"Who eavesdropped..." Qiantao said sternly, "This is also my home, I listened to it openly."

Ji Xuan teased her, raising her hand to knock on the door: "Brother Li, Taozi--Um..."

Ji Xuan was thrown aside by Qian Tao covering her mouth with her mouth shut.

Staring: "Why are you? They talked well, don't disturb them."

Ji Xuan smiled: "Are you caring about them? I want to know that you can wait for Nianxin to go to sleep, and ask Brother Li when you are in the world of two people. Especially when you are'sleeping'! You ask him at the corner of the eye, and you must answer. "

"Hey Xuan'er, your eldest daughter, where did you hear these things?"

"I saw it online."

"Don't look!" Qiantao sternly taught, "Aren't you ashamed! I'm sleepy, I'll go to sleep."


Li Hengzhi's study room is very large. In addition to the bookcase, there is also a wine cabinet containing a variety of wines. There are not many guests from this family, let alone the number of people who enter his study casually.

Even Qiantao doesn't come often, except for Ji Xuan who comes in every day to wipe the dust and keep it clean.

After Li Nianxin came in, sat for a while and went to open the wine cabinet.

Li Hengzhi didn't move. He just said without any tone: "You can try another drop of wine tonight."

Faintly, but it was full of threatening words, which made people have to take it to heart.

Li Nianxin gritted his teeth, closed the wine cabinet, turned and sat on the small sofa aside.

When she came out without shoes, she stepped on the sofa with her bare feet, hugging her knees and pressing her chin, a bit like a squatting posture.

Her hair was all asleep, she didn't stroke her hair, her eyes looked dimly at somewhere in the air.

Where did Li Hengzhi still have the mind to do other things, he went to sit down beside her, wrapped her body with a big palm, looked at her, and squeezed her away with the other hand.

Li Nianxin leaned in his arms, his eyes were still red and swollen: "Brother...I'm sorry..."

"Fool, I'm sorry. You just have to remember that you will never be alone. For the one you love, for the person who loves you, you must treat yourself well, and don't hurt yourself like this in the future."

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