You For Eternity

Chapter 319: Where do you want me to lick? (3)

"Brother... why are you free to control your emotions? Do I have to grow up to your age to control myself?"

He sighed, "I don't know, everyone's feelings are different."

"Yeah... Even a strong brother has his own weaknesses, and he can't really be invincible."

"Of course, if a person has no weakness, unless he really has no heart. Without heart, he is not a person."

"Grandpa's 90th birthday, am I going to participate?"

Li Hengzhi did not interfere with her choice: "It's up to you, as long as you remember, brother is your eternal backing."

At this moment, Li Nianxin's heart seemed to be hit by something. It hurts for a while, and then warmed for a while, her eyes flushed and her hands hugged Li Hengzhi's body, like a wronged child, curled up in his arms.

This elder brother, who is much older than her, is only indifferent and alienated to others, but he is very special to her.

He has been using his way to care for her, love her, and let her grow up carefree.

"Brother...Do you think that I am a burden? I have to take care of you since I was a child, and I will continue to cause you trouble when I grow up... Would you also think that it would be great if this world did not have me. "

"No," he said, "I'm so lucky that there is still you in this world."

He hopes that she has always been carefree, happy, and never grown up. He can always use his way to protect her. The only thing he can't hold is her heart.


what time is it……

Why haven't you come back?

Qiantao didn't know how many times she turned over on the bed.

It was also the first time she knew that their brother and sister could not finish talking. Is that still the cold chief executive she thought?

Oh no... In fact, she felt it too, he was not born cold.

When I couldn't sleep, I turned on my mobile phone to read Moments, watching Gu Tong and Qianyi go to Shenghai Beach during the day to have a good time, and laughed unconsciously.

Send a voice apology to Qianyi, and promised to find a free time to accompany him.

In response, President Qian replied with two words: Ha ha.

Qian Xiaotao, I've seen you through, see Sewangzi!

I was about to say a few more words, when I heard the door opening, I quickly put the phone down and lay down on the bed to pretend to sleep.

After Li Hengzhi came in, he looked at the person on the bed and observed for a while, as if he was asleep.

Two drunk at night, he is also very busy! After catching one and catching the other, the other has already fallen asleep. This saves him the worry, and he goes to sleep first.

He walked over and saw that she was already asleep, so he lowered the air conditioner, pulled the bedding, and put her hand outside.

Wherever her gaze fell, her cheeks were pink and tender, and the back of her hand pressed against her face, soft as a baby.

It's not hot or cold, it's warm, it should be fine.

Qiantao thought, pretending to be asleep, if Li Hengzhi didn't walk away, she couldn't help it!

She could feel his tenderness even if she closed her eyes. Unlike any previous time, this time he probably really thought she was asleep, completely unprepared, revealing his other side unabashedly.

Ahhhhh... President Li, you can't be so gentle, careful and considerate!

She can only admit that if Li Hengzhi had always been like this, she would have fallen!

Squinting one eye, Li Hengzhi turned his back to her and opened the drawer.

Oh? Is he going to take off his glasses?


There are repetitions in the next chapter.

Authors who can't do anything after modifying the chapters until they die without review

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