You For Eternity

Chapter 320: Where do you want me to lick? (4)

Wherever her gaze fell, her cheeks were pink and tender, and the back of her hand pressed against her face, soft as a baby.

It's not hot or cold, it's warm, it should be fine.

Qiantao thought, pretending to be asleep, if Li Hengzhi didn't walk away, she couldn't help it!

She could feel his tenderness even if she closed her eyes. Unlike any previous time, this time he probably really thought she was asleep, completely unprepared, revealing his other side unabashedly.

Ahhhhh... President Li, you can't be so gentle, careful and considerate!

She can only admit that if Li Hengzhi had always been like this, she would have fallen!

Squinting one eye, Li Hengzhi turned his back to her and opened the drawer.

Oh? Is he going to take off his glasses?

I saw that after he opened the drawer, he paused for a second, picked it up and took a look, lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while.

Seeing that he was about to turn around, Qiantao immediately closed his eyes.

Even if you can't see it, you can feel it, there seems to be a line of sight on your body that has not been removed for a long time.

Qian Tao is anxious, will she be worried? Would he find out that she touched his things? So keen?

Nianxin came in a hurry just now, she put it back in a hurry, and didn't pay attention to whether she put it right.

Qiantao made a small trick, pursed her lips, scratched her face, as if she was about to wake up, and kicked the quilt. She was completely awake and turned her side. He continued to fall asleep quietly.

Li Hengzhi walked over and wanted to pull the quilt up again, but her bare feet pressed against the quilt, completely clamped.

He added a little force but didn't draw it out; he added a little force but still didn't draw it out.

He frowned, and he clashed with her.

I really don't believe it, he can't even pull out a quilt!

Li Hengzhi, who was squatting on the bed, looked up at her face. The years were quiet, and the sky collapsed and it didn't matter to her.

It was just a moment, and suddenly something teased her.

He leaned over, scratched the soles of her feet, and watched her reaction very interestingly.


Qiantao's other foot hidden in the quilt suddenly curled up and itchy! dead! Up!

But at this moment, she can only pretend to be asleep, and after doing enough, she patted it with her hands at once, thinking that it would be enough to photograph the face of the chief executive. She slapped her back and relieved her anger...

But it turns out that she thought too much, her hand... was caught!

At that moment, it was as desperate as falling into the hands of the enemy, hey, what is he going to do with her hand...

"Aren't you awake?" Li Hengzhi deliberately raised a high ending, with three points of softness and seven points of charm.

Qiantao, who couldn't help it anymore, sat up all of a sudden, looked at him in horror with her messy hair, and then smiled as if she had just woke up, "husband, you are back..."

At this moment Qiantao knew that she had been fooled, and she looked regretful: "When did you know that I was pretending to sleep..."

She actually dared to fight his thousand-year-old fox with wits and courage. It was also commendable for her courage.

After asking, she saw that the most indispensable thing in the room was the mirror, which must have been discovered when she secretly opened her eyes just now.

"What do you pretend to be sleeping? Afraid that I will calculate today's account with you?"

He was so close, Qiantao kept staring at him, and suddenly asked, "Husband, do you wear contact lenses?"

Li Hengzhi paused, as if he was also surprised by her question.

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