You For Eternity

Chapter 329: Desk play(1)

Sheng Ming snapped his fingers in front of her and called her **** back: "What do you think?"

"It's nothing……"

She was just thinking that the mysterious man she met a few years ago did not seem to be an ordinary person, and his temperament had already killed an ordinary person.

Among the people she met, only Li Hengzhi had such a bully aura. But in front of that man, even he seemed a little uncomfortable.

Regarding Sheng Ming's unintentional remark, Qiantao took it seriously at this time.


I finally got rid of Sheng Ming, and when I went to the TV station, I was almost off work. The new official was absent from work the first day he took office. It really brought a bad head.

However, as Gu Tong said, now that she holds the power of life and death in the press department, no one dares to provoke her. As soon as she entered the office, many people secretly gave her some small items in the name of official business. gift.

"Director Qian...I used to be wrong. Your lord has a lot, don't take it to heart."

"Did you do anything? I don't remember, go out."

Gu Tong came in, looked at the things in her small office, and said with a smile: "I said Minister Qian, you just accepted bribes when you took office, okay?"

"If I didn't accept them, I thought I didn't forgive them. I thought I wanted to accept bigger ones." She didn't even look at those things. Fortunately, they were all small gifts of little value at first, and they couldn't make any waves.

"Don't talk about you, several people have come to fawn on me, knowing that I have a good relationship with you. I understand that sentence, one person has the way, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven."

"Don't be poor, what's the matter?"

"My Excellency, can't you come to you if you have nothing to do now?"

Qiantao rolled his eyes, and Gu Tong said formally: "Guess who I saw on TV?"

"Stop selling it off, don't you say I am off work."

"What's the hurry! Yu Jiajia!" Gu Tong slapped the table, "I just came today, the Broadcasting Department, isn't Li Shan having no future? I dug Yu Jiajia from the local station. I asked someone to ask. Now, she entered the industry two years earlier than me, and she has already made a name for herself."

"Yu Jiajia?"

This name has disappeared in her world for a long time.

Since Li Hengzhi came out to solve the matter, she had never seen this person again. Now it appeared again.

"Would have to remind your sir?"

"What reminder?"

"Get her away!"

"Why did you take it away? What happened five years ago has passed. She secretly calculated on me, and that adult also avenged me and wiped it out. Why do you want to provoke her now?"

Gu Tong turned around and leaned on her desk and said, "I'm afraid you will not provoke her, she will come to provoke you! We still don't know what kind of hatred or resentment she had with you back then, you did not provoke it. She, she administers the medicine to you in a good manner, with sinister intentions, it is clearly a character problem!"

"Otherwise, take advantage of the present, you go to the Broadcasting Department to kill her aggressively, by the way, give her a prestige, give her a warning, let her know what to do with you."

Qiantao thought and nodded: "Alright, by the way, I asked her to provoke her and hate me so much."

"Huh? Management? Traditional media and new media?" Gu Tong picked up a few newly bought books on her desk, "Are you really going to be the minister? This is not your profession..."

"Can my major be eaten as a meal?" Qiantao packed up, "I signed up for a class on the weekend to supplement knowledge. Would you like to join me?"

Gu Tong looked at her appearance, followed up and asked, "Are you serious?"

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