You For Eternity

Chapter 330: Desk play(2)

"Of course. There are more people who are engaged in occupations that have nothing to do with their majors."

"But I still think it's a pity--Eh Taozi!"

As soon as the door opened, everyone stood up and respectfully said, "Goodbye Minister!"

Qiantao felt a little uncomfortable and said, "No, I don't need to say hello anymore."

Who didn't know that her name as minister was unjustified? It is also ironic to look at.

"Get off work!" Gu Tong waved his hand. "My Minister is letting go. Everyone gets off work on time. It's time to go shopping and fall in love. See you tomorrow!-Oh Taozi!"

Gu Tong catches up all the way, "Why are you walking so fast? I haven't finished yet. You said that you are a top student who graduated from a famous conservatory of music. What kind of minister is you nesting here? You should pursue your dreams. ."

"Dream? What dream do you think I can pursue?" Qiantao stopped and looked at Gu Tong, "A man who has been blacklisted by the music industry and denied all his talents, what dream can he pursue? Not to mention, That's not my dream either."


Qiantao took Gu Tong's car to the Children's Palace to pick up Qianyi.

"You said why don't you drive your Scripps out? You won't drive me!"

"How can I drive when I've said that I'm watching it?" Qiantao said with his head supported.

Gu Tongbai glanced at her: "Insane! Both of you are in the brain! The expensive and rare car, if you don't drive it out to show off, why don't you play it?"

"My pleasure."

She never thought that Li Hengzhi really bought it for her.

get out of class was over and Qianyi hadn't come out yet, so Gu Tong waited in the car and she went in to look for it.

Along the way, I found a small class, the painting class, and finally found Qianyi sitting in it with a little girl sitting opposite, and laughed all of a sudden.

"President Qian, why don't you come out yet, dare you to date the little princess here?" Qiantao walked in with a smile.

Qianyi turned around and said, "You softly sound, and Wei Young is scared."

"Oh! I'm protecting my daughter-in-law? It's over... I can't expect you to raise me, I will be bullied to death by my daughter-in-law!" Qiantao walked over jokingly, and saw the little girl stunned. .

Little Lolita looks very cute, with round eyes, black pupils, curled eyelashes, small fleshy face, and a ball head, which looks very cute.

She saw Qiantao, a little cowardly, she seemed a little courageous, she looked at it with her small eyes, no wonder the overbearing president of Qianyihui said such a sentence.

Such a little girl, everyone wants to protect it.

"Is Wei Young?" Qiantao immediately turned a gentle smile, quietly leaned towards her, squatted down, touched her knees, and was level with her, "Don't be afraid, I am Qianyi's mother."

I remembered that there was still sugar in my pocket, so I took it out: "Give you sugar."

The little girl's eyes were a little gleaming, she was about to reach out for it, but was interrupted by Qianyi: "Li Weiyang, I have told you how many times, don't eat strangers."

Xiao Weiyang was taught a lesson, and immediately slumped, and withdrew his hands, feeling wronged.

Qiantao couldn't laugh or cry: "Hey, Chou Qianyi, I am your mother, how come I am a stranger? I want my daughter-in-law and not my mother, right?"

"You are my mother, and not Wei Young's mother. You are a stranger to her. If you don't teach her, you will be tricked away by the blame sooner or later."

"Puff......" Qiantao couldn't smile.

President Qian, you worry a little too much.

Wait... Qiantao's smile suddenly stopped.

Li Weiyang?

She suddenly felt...Where did this little girl have seen her.

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