You For Eternity

Chapter 331: Desk play(3)

Qiantao looked at Li Weiyang for a long time before suddenly remembering that when she secretly followed Li Hengzhi that day...wasn't the little girl she saw?

It's her! Also surnamed Li...

"Qianyi, where are her parents?"

"I don't know, the teacher said that her mother was delayed. She is timid, I'm afraid she is here alone."

"Does my mother usually pick it up?"

Qian nodded.

"Where is her father?"

"I haven't seen it before," Qianyi shook his head. "Why are you asking this?"

"No... just ask."

Can you not be curious?

Will her father... be the person she thinks in her heart?

Although the child's feelings cannot be taken seriously, she can't let the oolong plot of "the lover eventually become brother and sister" happen...

"Qianyi, mother must go, Weiyang has a teacher watching, let's not worry, let's go first."

"No," Qianyi said solemnly, "I have to be with her here, I don't worry."

"There is a teacher!"

After talking about Qiantao, she hugged Qianyi.

Xiao Weiyang shouted cowardly: "Brother..."

"Thousand Xiaotao, let me down!"

How could Qianyi have the strength to contend with Qiantao, being held by him and walking out.

"Teacher Weiyang troubles you, let's go first."

"Oh... well! Don't worry."

Qianyi was put into the car, and Gu Tong looked confused: "What's the matter, this is? Why is our Chief Qian still getting angry?"

Qian Yi was stunned to be put on the child seat, fastened on the seat belt, and was firmly secured, "Qian Xiaotao, what are you doing?"

"What's the matter with peach?"

Qiantao covered her forehead and waved: "Drive!"

She just turned her head and glanced at the Children's Palace habitually, her eyes widened suddenly, "Go, go!"

Gu Tong glanced in the rearview mirror, his eyes also changed, and quickly started the car.

Poor Qianyi was fixed on the child seat, and wanted to look back and see that they could not see anything.

Gu Tong thought, fortunately, Taozi and Qianyi are withdrawing quickly! One minute late, I will be able to collide with that adult.

But having said that, how could he go to the Children's Palace?


"Peach, you've been in a daze since you came out of the Children's Palace, are you still thinking about it?"

Qiantao looked down at the meal in front of him, and hadn't taken a few mouthfuls.

Yes, she was really thinking, he said that if he didn't return to Xiangshui Bend at night, could it be because he wanted to take over... Li Weiyang?

Who is Li Weiyang has become a mystery that she can't solve.

It's hard for her to ask anyone about such things.

If he is Xiao Weiyang's father, then who is the "mother" of Qianyi who often picks up Weiyang?

It could not be Xue Miaomiao, if they even had children, they would have been married long ago.


If he and other women even have children, why do they want to tie her up? Divorce her and marry the child’s mother, isn’t it all right?

Qianyi's eagle eyes looked at her sharply: "You have something to hide from me."


Looking at Qianyi, Qiantao couldn't say anything.

She can't tell him, baby, you might have a younger sister...?

For Qianyi, Li Hengzhi's existence is very complicated. He couldn't help but yearn for his father's love, but he was also patiently waiting for them to bear fruit. I can see that he admires him quite a bit. If Qianyi knew that he already had a sister, I would be disappointed with this father.

"No... You must have something you didn't tell me, what did you do wrong? Just ran so fast..."

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