You For Eternity

Chapter 332: Desk play(4)

"Okay!" Qiantao nodded heavily, "Since you have guessed it, then I have to tell you!"

Gu Tong stared, why is this? What do you want to confess?

"Actually... I owe a debt! That person just chased to the Children's Palace, so I have to run quickly."

Gu Tong: "..."

Hey, this Ni hasn't lied...she owes that adult a large sum!

"..." Qianyi was speechless for three seconds, "Why don't you grow so much!"

"I was wrong baby..." Qiantao was having fun with being taught by the baby.

Sorry baby, this is a white lie, mom must protect you from harm.


Qiantao went back to Xiangshuiwan, said hello to Li Hengzhi, and went to his study to borrow a book. I saw it when I wandered around last time.

After he took the book, he was ready to go back to the apartment. Anyway, he won't come back to sleep tonight, she just can accompany Qianyi.

A short melodious piano song suddenly sounded like a cell phone ringing.

She looked around, her target locked on his desk. The phone stopped when I walked over.

Without intending to pay attention, his gaze swept over the exposed corner of a book.

That is obviously the corner of the photo.

Photo again...

Last time she found out the picture of the goddess sister in his book, is it also this time?

Goddess sister!

She almost forgot the existence of this goddess sister, could it be said that the child is actually...

Curiosity has been ignited. If she doesn't look at this photo tonight, she will not be able to sleep!

After swallowing a sip of water, I looked around and made sure that Ji Xuan and Li Hengzhi were indeed not there. Then I opened the page and took a breath.

It's never... some strange photo, right?

Haha, turned the photo around.

Qiantao was stunned for an instant.


It is indeed a "strange" photo, one of the group of photos taken at the hotel five years ago!

She was holding the bath towel with both hands, and his powerful arms guarded her between herself and the wall. They just took pictures of their profile, lighting, and position. They were all just right. People who didn’t know thought they were taking pictures of the bathroom. ...

Why did he leave such a picture? Still stuck in the pages of the book... won't it be taken out every now and then to take a look?

Found that it was not the goddess sister, bit her teeth and try to restore the position and put the photo back. He just became very curious about his desk, and sat down openly, and opened his drawer for the first time, but it was not locked!

Oh, I still feel a little excited! Will she see many secrets?

I am looking forward to it and feel a little guilty. Wouldn’t it be too good to just open other people’s drawers...

No, he is her husband and not someone else, right? What do the couple share yours and mine...

After making an excuse for myself, I actually opened the drawer.

There is indeed a stack of photos in it. Qiantao flipped through them one by one, all of them were taken when she went to eat with Sheng Ming! The more I look, the more angry.


Even if she has no initiative with him, he can't send someone to follow her, right?

Strangely, Sheng Ming, who was supposed to be on the opposite side... was dropped by P!

After noticing this point, Qiantao's depression suddenly collapsed. How could she have a sense of seeing adolescent boys jealous?

There is also a pile of photos next to me, and I thought angrily, which group must be stealing photos!

When I opened it, I was taking a sneak photo, but that was... Li Shan and Minister Ma's?

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