You For Eternity

Chapter 334: Desk play(6)

"I didn't want to see it, I just saw it accidentally... So you did Li Shan's thing?" Qiantao changed the subject, "Thank you, now she sees me and runs away instead of looking for me Trouble."

Li Hengzhi sat on the chair and pulled her into his arms, "If I didn't find out by myself, you wouldn't be going to mention these things to me, right?"

Qiantao lowered her head and said, "I'm not a primary school student... I'll go home and sue my parents when I am bullied. You are so busy, I don't want to bother you with these little things."

"A trivial matter? Others are stepping on my wife's head. Is this still a trivial matter?"

An unconcealable accident slipped across her face.

When her eyes were facing each other, Qiantao refused in her heart. Don't be like that... Don't show such a gentle expression, and don't say these misunderstandings...

When she saw Li Hengzhi like this, she couldn't help but wonder, when he faced the goddess sister, was he so tender?

What Li Hengzhi thought at this time was completely different from that of Qiantao.

"Have you regretted not having a wedding? I never heard you mention it. Girls like romance, right?"

"Don't do it!"

Her overreaction made Li Hengzhi stunned. Qiantao saw that his face was not good, and immediately explained: "I mean, since I didn't do it at the beginning, I don't want to do it again. I just got promoted to the minister today. So busy, let’s forget about the wedding."

When he suddenly mentioned the wedding, she was also taken aback. Just mention it casually. If he really plans to have a wedding, can his Li Hengzhi wedding be sloppy?

If you don’t make a sensation in the whole country, you have to make a sensation in the city.

"Minister?" Li Hengzhi's attention was successfully shifted, "So powerful?"

Qiantao put his arms around his neck and moved closer: "Husband, to be honest, did you say something to Chief Zhang, that's why he was promoted to minister?"

Li Hengzhi's big palm landed on her slender waist, and she pulled her body towards herself, and the two hot bodies pressed together tightly. His voice was thick and his eyes were fascinating: "Do you think if your husband speaks in person, can you just change to a minister?"

After a second, Qiantao let out a lot of laughter.

The soft light hit her profile, she was a bit illusory.

Li Hengzhi felt that he really liked the way she laughed, as if something was scratching or scratching in his heart.

Do you like her or her body? Such profound questions are not suitable for thinking in this ambiguous atmosphere.

"Desk play, do you want to play?"

There is a man who has an irresistible charm in every word and deed. Even if she kept admonishing herself not to sink and be attracted to him, when he slowly put her body on the desk and the gentle kiss rained down, she still couldn't help thinking...

All things other than driving, wait until after parking!

She couldn't bear Mr. Li's fancy tricks.

Her hand slid down, resting on his beautiful mermaid line.

(Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete this piece of meat residue, delete Minasang, make up for it, Wangtian)

Someone's dangerous eyes narrowed, he leaned in threateningly, pressed her body, and said, "Do you know the end?"

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