You For Eternity

Chapter 335: Be my personal pet (4)

They didn't unite because of love, and she didn't have any right to speak with him, so what kind of man he was, what he would do in the marriage relationship, she didn't want to worry about it.

But he said no...

What happened to that little Weiyang, that Weiyang mother?

Wei Young is obviously younger than Qianyi, so that must be after she left Haicheng.

On the other hand, why would he allow his new wife to leave for five years? Why can't you contact her for five years, and don't care where she is and what she has done? Did she leave, just to give him a chance to be alone with another woman, lovingly?

She didn't even know these.

In the face of Li Hengzhi, she never showed any worries in this regard. She seemed to know nothing, staying by his side and acting with him in the daily life of a loving young couple.

Should she believe him?


At breakfast time, Qiantao was still innocent like a white rabbit, and the way she laughed made people unable to guess what she was thinking.

Ji Xuan is the person with the most intuitive feelings. From the beginning, she felt a little strange that they looked like she looked like a stranger, but now she feels that there is no young couple in this world who is more affectionate and fit.

She is one of the people who knows the truth, but always forgets the relationship between them. She believes that they have already done the fake show.

Li Hengzhi said to her after eating breakfast: "Don't go if you feel unwell, and rest at home for a few days."

"Um... I'll just rest for a long time, and go in the afternoon."

"Okay, you figure it out."

Sometimes he himself feels that if he treats her too much as a child, he will unconsciously assume the attitude of a parent to take care of her life.

"Then I'm going to the company." He stood up.

"Husband." Qiantao called to him, wiped her mouth, and pursed her lips at him.

Li Hengzhi's heart understood her, and she wrapped her arms around her waist, grabbed her lips and gnawed for a while.

Witness Ji Xuan said, can one day not show affection?

"Good." He touched her head and looked down at her with tenderness in his eyes.

This is the joy of raising a wife, right?

I used to think that getting married was meaningless to him, but now, looking at Qiantao, he began to feel that getting married was pretty good.

If it weren't for the company's important things waiting for him to deal with, he would definitely stay willful and reluctant to leave.

Ji Xuan walked out and kept shaking her head and said, "I will be forced into an FFF group by you and the young master one day."

"Burn the heterosexual to death?" Qiantao took a bite, "Um! It's delicious, Xuan'er, your craftsmanship is awesome! So, let's discuss with you, you will burn your young master, and then I will tell you Lily, okay Right? You make me something to eat every day, hehe."

Ji Xuan was also amused by her.



Sheng Ming jumped down from the stairs step by step with difficulty, wishing to remove the plaster, but after thinking about the removal, he didn't plan to trick his sister Peach over, so he endured it.


"Eh, how is that woman? Have you recruited?"

"Master... let it go quickly, what should I do if something goes wrong?"

"Why are you so delicate? Come over and see!"

If he hadn't looked out the window more when Qiantao left yesterday, he wouldn't have noticed that Linn was following her.

For the safety of his sister Peach, he must detain this woman, Lynn, and won't let it go without asking her purpose.

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