You For Eternity

Chapter 337: The face exactly like her (2)

"Young Master Sheng, I didn't lie to you? Qiantao really looks exactly like my boss, and I was shocked when I first saw it."

Sheng Ming looked complicated, and said to the servant on the side: "Let her come up."

After Lin came up, he wanted to get the pendant back, but Sheng Ming held it down.

"Young Master Sheng, you can take anything from me, and I don’t need the pendant, but the photo...can you return it to me," Lynn didn’t seem to be acting, "That’s the only photo of me with the boss. Without it, I really have nothing to think of."

Sheng Ming didn't think much of a woman like Lynn before, but today he made a difference and gave it back to her. "What do I want your broken pendant for! I don't see it, you are kind and righteous."

"The boss is kind to us, she is very kind to the sisters, and the boss saved me. She gave me this life. If it weren't for her...I would have died early."

It was probably because she had the same face as Qiantao, so he asked more and more: "Then where is your eldest man? Missing?"

Lin En seemed to have been mentioned something, and his eyes became redder: "Dead..."

Sheng Ming's eyes were slightly startled, a little surprised.

"It's dead... I can't believe it's true."

Sheng Ming did not speak.

Although his mouth smells bad, he doesn't make fun of dead people.

"Okay, you can go."

"Young Master Sheng... have you known Qiantao for a long time?"

"I've known each other since childhood."

"So... she can't be my boss, is she?"

"What do you mean by that? Is your boss dead?"

That's impossible, these are obviously two people.

Lynn shook his head: "No... It's just that I didn't see it. By the time I knew it, the boss had been taken away by others, and only the ashes were left."

Lin En turned and walked, and was stopped by Sheng Ming who was suddenly upset, "Take a picture of me."

Lynn: "?"

"Don't worry about it."


Dessert shop.

Before Li Hengzhi went in, he could see Qianyi sitting in his place particularly well-behaved, dangling his legs, drinking orange juice, and the corner of his mouth inadvertently raised.

He walked over and sat down and said directly: "What's wrong, I'm experiencing emotional trouble again today, want to chat with Dad?"

"No, today we are talking about business." The little guy looked serious.

"Oh? What's the business?" He especially likes to talk to this kid, teasing him, "Have a wedding?"

Hmm... This is indeed a big "business".

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered his reaction when he mentioned the wedding to her, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

At the time, I thought it was a little weird, but now think about it, is she changing the subject afterwards?

Qianyi knocked on the table board: "Business business! Business business between men, not women!"

"Okay," Li Hengzhi was not angry when he realized that he was despised by a child, but rather amused. "Then you say, what are we talking about?"

"Is the one I gave you, isn't it good? I'll change it if it's not good."

Looking at Qianyi's really serious appearance, Li Hengzhi stopped joking with him, "No, the idea is good, I have asked the venture capital team to make an estimate, and I will give you news in the near future."

In fact, he didn't expect a four-year-old child to make any amazing planning books. In fact, it can't be called a planning book, it's just an idea. He probably used up all his vocabulary and made it into a more written thing.

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