You For Eternity

Chapter 338: The face exactly like her (3)

For a four-year-old baby, he could even know so many words, which surprised him.

Besides, big ideas are really good. Starting from the perspective and ideas of children, it is a good way to make a small game for children. Reprocessing, maybe it can really make a good project.

As a good investor, it is not a bad idea to tap potential projects from all aspects and turn waste into treasure. The key is to have the core.

Originally, I just wanted to play with the children, but now, if the venture capital team can give a good estimate, he will really put down his hands on this project, then the profit...

Of course give him as promised.

"What is the chance?"

"Probability? Ninety percent, what's the matter?"

"I..." Qianyi bit the straw in her mouth as if she was making a big determination.

Seeing his embarrassment, Li Hengzhi asked: "What the **** is going on, let's listen."

"Can I advance a little money with you?" Qianyi gritted his teeth or said.


The corners of Li Hengzhi's mouth curled up.

Understand, why the little guy is so awkward.

Small people are small, but ambitious, don't bend for five buckets of rice. To open this mouth to him was quite determined.

"Of course," Li Hengzhi does not care about the money, "but can you tell me what trouble you are having? I can help you."

"Then we say it is an advance, and when you have a return, it will be deducted from my profit!"

"Know, you are a little man, let's talk about it. Can you tell me now?"

"Actually... it's all my mother. I ran to borrow money from someone and was collected by someone. Although she is not a little better, but she is my mother. How can I ignore her? Help her first, turn back and close Open the door and curse!" After Qianyi finished speaking, she hugged her little arm angrily, quite angrily hating iron and steel.

He is his father, can't you ask him for help?

Li Hengzhi was already dumbfounded by crying and laughing at this moment, and suddenly felt that this little guy had a hard time bringing a mother...?

Reverse their roles, right?

Li Hengzhi gave him a check: "Is it enough? You take it back to your mother first."

"It should be enough, a lot," Qianyi held the check and looked at him moved, "Thank you."

Li Hengzhi touched his head, "Thank you, I'm your father."

Qianyi's heart was suddenly chaotic.

Where did he know that he was really his father.

Yep! He will not regret helping him!

Qianyi finally smiled with the check and left happily. Li Hengzhi asked Yan Hai to safely send him to the Children's Palace.

Slowly, his smile closed, and he made a call: "It's me, let's meet."


Gu Tong rushed to the place designated by Li Hengzhi without stopping.

She and Qiantao stayed together and discussed for a while, guessing whether he was looking for her with Li Tianyou. They predicted many situations, solved them one by one, and finally decided: See the trick!

However, when she saw that there was only one person in the seat, Li Heng, she was stunned.

Isn't it a blind date? What should I do...

Li Hengzhi had already seen her, she couldn't do anything she wanted to run, and went past cowardly, and sat down obediently: "That... Mr. Li... What can you do with me?"

Li Hengzhi handed over a credit card without saying a word.

"Mr. Li... what does this mean?"

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