You For Eternity

Chapter 355: My wife didn't say we were married? (4)

"Nurse sister, I have taken my body temperature and checked my body. It is all right now. Can't I be discharged?"

"This is Mr. Li's order. You cannot be discharged from the hospital until he returns."


She would never come to the hospital for a minor illness like fever. She didn't like hospitals.

The nurse smiled and said, "Miss Qian, if I were you, I would be happy to live for as long as I can. You haven't seen Mr. Li taking care of you carefully. I really envy you."

Qiantao smiled.

The only advantage of being sick is that he is very patient with her, he will follow her, coaxing up like coaxing a child, and it is funny thinking about it.


If he has been so gentle, then this disease is simply not to be forgotten, so as to save him from turning around and attacking her again!

At noon, Ji Xuan brought a generous meal to see her, saying that Li Hengzhi specially ordered her to come, because she was afraid that she could not get used to the food in the hospital.

Although he didn't make it by himself, there was a hint of sweetness in his heart.

"Brother Li never calls me during working hours. I was dumbfounded when I received a call today," Ji Xuan said with a smile, "I don't know when I will be so lucky... I wonder if I can eat well."

Qian Taospoon took a sip of the hot soup, looked up at her and smiled and said, "Apart from your brother Li, what kind of boy Xuan'er likes? Maybe there are people I know."

Ji Xuan thought for a while and shook her head: "I don't know... Since I was young, Brother Li has been a very tall and very distant existence in my eyes. I just worship him blindly, like him, and dare not dream of marrying him one day. Give it to him, but in my heart... there will be a little expectation... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this."

I probably realized that it was no longer appropriate for me to say these things, and hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay," Qiantao waved his hand generously, "If I were you, I would like him too."

Can a man like that, get along with him day and night for more than ten years, not be moved?

She has felt very dangerous in just a few months.

Qiantao turned off the topic and chatted with boys of various personalities, chatting and laughing with Ji Xuan.

"Then I will go back first. I will make a table of delicious food tonight and wait for you to come back."

Ji Xuan closed the door and turned to see a man standing in front of her, shocked.

I thought he was a bit weird. She looked back when she left. When she saw that he was about to open the door of Qiantao Ward, she immediately ran back, blocking him and the door, watching him vigilantly: "Inside is our young lady, you Did you go wrong?"

"Young grandma..." Sheng Ming just repeated these three words, and the anger came to the ground.

Li Hengzhi!

"Get out of the way!" Sheng Ming yelled fiercely.

"No! Let's!" Ji Xuan, who usually looks like a petite woman, is very tough at this time. "If you try to rush, I'll call the security guard!"

"Security?" Sheng Ming smiled, "Do you know who the master is!"

"Sheng Ming, your father is a city|senior official. So what? Our young master is Li Hengzhi."

It's okay not to mention the name, but Sheng Ming grabbed her by the collar with anger: "What do you mean?"

Qiantao heard the sound and opened the door and frowned upon seeing this situation: "Master Sheng, would you like to point your face? Girls, you also bully!"


"Okay Xuan'er, don't cry, he is a scumbag, don't care about him." Ji Xuan was also suddenly frightened by him. At the moment, she dropped some golden beans, and she was so angry that Qian Tao went to prosperity. Bian gave a fierce look.

Young Master Sheng Da was sitting on the sofa with his bare ankle pressed against the other knee, looking like "I'm right."

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