You For Eternity

Chapter 356: My husband didn't satisfy you? (1)

Ji Xuan is not a hypocritical person, but she was too sudden and frightened just now, and her tears had already fallen since she reacted, like a conditioned reflex. At this moment, he took the tissue that Qiantao handed over, wiped it, and shook his head at her, saying that he was okay.

Qiantao didn't get angry, walked in front of Sheng Ming and pushed his foot on the ground with his foot: "Are you a man?"

Sheng Ming turned his gaze back from elsewhere, and glanced up at her: "Do you think I am? Would you like to take off your pants and check it for you?"

Qiantao had adapted to his livid air a long time ago, and was not surprised at what he said, but it was the first time Ji Xuan heard it, her eyes widened.

Qiantao ignored him and said directly: "Just apologize to the girl in a generous manner! What's the big deal, it's so difficult to say sorry?"

Ji Xuan’s life circle is small, and the man she has most contact with is Li Hengzhi, a gentleman, with character, even if he is indifferent, he will not be like Sheng Ming. Now she compares it with one sky and one earth. It's incomparable.

"Forget Peach," Ji Xuan said, "I am the son of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, how dare I ask him to apologize to me."

"You didn't just move out of your young master, did you come? Keep moving."

"Will you die if you don't say a few words? You can't let her be such a charming girl?"

"What am I asking her to do?" Sheng Ming shrugged indifferently, "If it's my Taozi sister, I will shut up immediately."

"Then you shut up!" Angrily glanced at him, "Follow the little girl, see if you can!"

Sheng Ming slumped lazily on the sofa, shaking his feet.

Qiantao asked Ji Xuan to go back first, but now she didn't leave. She feels that Sheng Ming's plot is wrong, and she wants to stare here for their young master, so that he won't get involved with Taozi.

Sheng Ming glanced at Ji Xuan's side and stared, with the domineering look, Qiantao wanted to hit him. Fearing that they would quarrel again, she sat in the middle to separate them.

"Sheng Ming, why are you here? Visiting or biting?"

"I want to talk to you for two yuan, but it's inconvenient for someone."

"Peach belongs to our young master!" Ji Xuan announced unwillingly, "if you have something to say, what's inconvenient?"

"Hey stinky girl! Believe it or not, I beat you?" Sheng Ming stood up, "Don't think I don't beat women! Master has no principles, no character, no gentleman manner! Try to mess with me?

Few people dare to oppose his Master Sheng!

Growing up, who would dare to talk to him like this, except that Qiantao was indifferent to him?

One by one maids!

Qiantao stopped between them and persuaded Ji Xuan to say: "Xuan'er, he is really bad, don't mess with him, the dog bites you, do you still bite the dog? Let him go."

If others say that he is a dog, he must be annoyed, but the person who can be said is Qiantao, and he just smiled cheekyly: "Then Sister Tao, you give me a bite?"

Qiantao glared at him sideways.

"He is so frivolous, we can't bear it! I want to tell the young master--"

"Hey Xuaner--"

Qiantao didn't want to make a big fuss. When the two men met, they might not smell of gunpowder. One Xiao Yuanhang was enough, but she didn't want to see Li Hengzhi and Sheng Ming fight again.

With a sound of "pop--" Ji Xuan's mobile phone had been knocked over by Sheng Ming, and she fell to the ground and broke the screen.

"Tell who? I tell you, I am not even afraid of your young master, let alone you! Huang Mao girl!"

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