You For Eternity

Chapter 357: My husband didn't satisfy you? (2)

Ji Xuan was stunned, squatting on the ground, picking up the phone, feeling distressed, teardrops gathered in her eyes.

This was given to her by Brother Li, but it was precious. It was outdated and reluctant to change it. It was well protected, but now it's screened.

"Sheng Ming!" Qiantao was very angry this time, "What are you doing? It's too much!-Xuan'er, you go back first."

Ji Xuan grabbed her mobile phone and sat on the sofa, and said stubbornly: "I'm not going. I see what he can do to me! I'm not afraid. Even if I die, Master will not care about me, and will definitely help me get it back. Fair."

"What stupid thing to say, I think he dares!" Qiantao glared at him, winking, and asked Sheng Ming to come over to apologize and ease the atmosphere.

Although Sheng Ming didn't apologize, but seeing her so precious mobile phone, he said: "It's not just a broken mobile phone, I just buy ten and pay you!"


Does he think that everything in the world can be bought with money?

She doesn't care about his compensation!

Qiantao said she was a little thirsty, and she finally coaxed Ji Xuan home to make iced mung bean soup for her. As soon as Ji Xuan left, Sheng Ming said, "I saw Li Hengzhi yesterday."

what? Did they meet...

"Guess what he told me?"

"What did you say..."

"He said... you are his wife."

"Aren't boyfriends and boyfriends called this way now?" Qiantao said haha.

"Then what's the matter with marriage?"

Qiantao stared unexpectedly, "He told you?"

"It's true?" Sheng Ming is really sure now, "Are you really married? Then why doesn't your father know?"

Qiantao bit her lip, wondering how to answer him. Because she didn't know that Li Hengzhi told him nothing else.

"Don't worry about it..."

"So he also knows that you are not the real Qiantao?"

Although Qiantao did not answer, the fleeting expression on his face made Sheng Ming understand: "I don't know... Then you said that if I tell him the truth, will you be divorced?"

"as you like."

As he was talking, a familiar sound came from outside, Qiantao glared at Sheng Ming, scratching his head and saying, "I accidentally leaked..."

It was Qian Chenghai who came to see her, and Xiao Yuanhang was also with him. When the two met, they were extremely jealous. Qian Chenghai, who already knew the truth, felt distressed looking at her thin face.

Xiao Yuanhang couldn’t find a chance to chat with Qiantao alone. In the end, he and Shengming both stood in a stalemate and couldn’t leave. Qian Chenghai yelled, "Give me all! Taozi was implicated by the two of you. Isn't it enough?"

So they all left, so Qiantao can continue to rest. It was just that she was awakened by someone halfway through her sleep. She opened her eyes and saw Qian Churui standing by the bed, staring at her viciously, both of her eyes almost out of her sockets.

"Sister, let's talk."

"Don't talk." The words are concise and concise.

Qian Churui didn't expect her to refuse so indifferently, and was stunned.

"When will you let go of the voyage? Stop pestering him!"

Xiao Yuanhang's performance to Qiantao made her more and more disturbed.

Her marriage business in the past five years fell short because of her return of Qiantao.

Thousand peaches are silent.

I've said everything that needs to be said, and there is no way I can't understand people. Qiantao turned her back and told her indifferently that grandma aunt didn't want to care about you.

"I'm pregnant! Yuanhang also knows, you can withdraw."

"Miss Qianer is pregnant, so there is no need to tell my wife specifically."

The sound of a sound made Qiantao sit up in shock, turned around, and the person who opened the door and entered was indeed Li Hengzhi.

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