You For Eternity

Chapter 358: My husband didn't satisfy you? (3)

Qian Churui didn't expect to meet Li Hengzhi if she came to demonstrate, she was stunned, "Li...Mr. Li..."

The aura emanating from Li Hengzhi's whole body is not something ordinary people can withstand, not to mention the delicate flower of Qian Churui, which is already short in front of Qian Tao, let alone Li Hengzhi.

When Li Hengzhi walked over, she automatically took a step back to make way for him.

He stood in front of Qiantao and leaned over slightly: "I just heard it at the door. I thought it was you who was pregnant. I was so happy."

Qiantao smiled slightly.

Scared, luckily she didn't talk nonsense! She almost said to Qian Churui, congratulations, but my son is four years old!

This is the first time Qian Churui has seen Qian Tao and Li Hengzhi in the same frame.

It was just a few rumors before, and she even wondered if they really had such a good relationship, but when they saw it today, she was dumbfounded.

Although the person she loved was Xiao Yuanhang, she had to admit that this man... was different from any man she had ever seen before.

He does not need to speak, standing in the crowd is already different from others.

Yuanhang and him...neither can be compared.

She also only learned today, what is meant by heaven outside, there are outsiders.

But such a man who was supposed to be insulated from the whole world and independent of the top, at this time spoke to Qiantao in an extremely gentle and pampering tone!

For five years, her husband in law has never spoken to her like this!

Why is she? Why can I meet such a man?

Crazy jealousy burned in her heart, unwilling!

"Why are you not behaved again, go to seduce|lead someone else's husband?"

The words are correct, but Qiantao listened, the tone did not seem to be questioning...

His next sentence is: "Is my husband not satisfied with you? I wait for you to seduce|seduce you every day. It's good for you, and there are leisurely sentiments to seduce|lead other people's homes."


This this……

How could she feel that the President is really expressing her desire|please dissatisfaction? She heard nothing!

Hearing that it was not meant to settle accounts, Qiantao smiled: "I don't have one."

"No? No one's wife came to provoke her?" He said, with a slender finger on the tip of her nose, "It must be your fault. Come on, how can you punish it."

Qian Churui stood aside, feeling that she was superfluous.

Where is this afterwards? This is simply flirting!

"Miss Qianer."

Li Hengzhi, who turned his back to her, suddenly turned to call her, and Qian Churui was so scared that Qian Churui did not respond.

"My wife, I will figure it out by myself. As for you, just go back and look at your own husband."

"Yes..." Qian Churui smiled when facing this man, "Then I'll leave first sister..."

When the unrelated personnel exited, Qiantao immediately said, "I really don't have one. Xiao Yuanhang and I are over long ago."

"I can see it," he was not suspicious of her as before, and said lightly, "Come on, your iced mung bean soup."

The following sentence is an understatement because the style of painting turns too fast.

I thought he was doing it for Qian Churui, she left, and he settled the account slowly, but he didn't expect that he was really not going to mention it. So Qiantao suddenly smiled brightly: "I didn't expect that it was President Li himself who sent out."

"You thought it was a free gift? Remember to pay the takeaway fee."

"Is it expensive?" Hmm...Qian Tao Shao drank in one sip, smiling, it was so sweet and ice, so delicious!

"Fortunately, add a kitchen play."

Qiantao almost spit out mung bean soup--

Yaoshou! The president of the group does not sleep well in bed, but sleeps in the kitchen!

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