You For Eternity

Chapter 384: Don't want to know our relationship? (3)

Li Nianxin was held in his arms by the old lady. Listening to the old lady's words, her nose sore, and suddenly she couldn't help crying in front of everyone.

There is a situation where the person who is crying feels nothing at all, and it doesn't matter if he shed two tears, but as long as the people around him scream, the tears will flow out like a valve.

Li Nianxin suddenly cried like this, making the old lady cry stunned, "What's wrong? Why is Nianxin crying? Who is bullying you? Xiaobai! What's the matter!"

Bai Yujing actually didn't quite understand why Li Nianxin was doing this, but he thought about what happened in the afternoon and thought it should be like this, so he sighed: "Grandpa, actually, there was an accident not long ago, and Nianxin may have been frightened."

"what is the matter?"

Bai Yujing didn't say it in front of so many people. He just walked to the old man's side, lowered his voice and said, all he could hear was the old man and Bai Yuming.

"It's unreasonable!" The old lady became angry as soon as he heard it.

Bai Yuming didn't look very good after hearing it, so he winked at his younger brother and asked him to do what the old man said. Bai Yujing said: "It has been detained by the police."

"Grandpa, don't get angry, we will definitely handle this matter properly." Bai Yuming was afraid that the old man would get angry with his body.

Bai Yuming no longer blamed Li Nianxin for a reason.

Li Nianxin calmed down, and saw Grandpa Bai picked up the chopsticks, and the others continued to eat.

Seeing the old lady put a lot of dishes into Nianxin, Qiantao finally understood why Li Hengzhi had been ignoring Nianxin. The old lady really liked Nianxin, presumably he felt that with the old lady, the people of the Bai family could not lose Nianxin today.

"Thank you, grandpa."

"Eh!" Grandpa Bai laughed suddenly, "It's a shout, I thought you little girl didn't recognize Grandpa."

"Sorry grandpa, I was in a bad mood just now."

"Between grandparents and grandchildren, what are you still saying sorry for," the old lady Bai said, "Xiaobai, don't you have many friends? Is there anyone among them who can be worthy of our family's thoughts? The thoughts are not small anymore. A boyfriend."


Tomorrow was Bai Yujing's engagement ceremony. I thought that the attention was all on him, but no one thought that Grandpa Bai would bring up Li Nianxin's lifelong event at the dinner table.

Bai Yuming said in a deep voice, "Nianxin has twenty-two..."

It seems that he is also considering what Mrs. Bai said.

"The old man's proposal is good," Li Yunyan said, "Nianxin should find a boyfriend. If you meet the right one, you can consider lifelong events. If it is fast, the old man will be able to embrace great-great-grandson next year."

"Okay..." The old lady Bai was very happy to hear Li Yunyan's words once in a while, "Good-great-great-grandson...good-great-grandson...If I can hold my great-grandson in my lifetime, then I will die!"

"Grandpa!" the brothers Bai Yuming and Bai Yujing shouted in unison.

"Grandpa, if you say anything unlucky, of course you can hold your great-great-grandson," Bai Yujing said. "Actually, I am also helping Nianxin find a good person. You leave this to me."

Bai Yujing sat opposite, and as soon as his voice fell, Li Nianxin's gaze swept over in disbelief, staring fiercely.

Qiantao stroked her forehead, supported half of her face, looked at Li Hengzhi with a dry smile, and said without a smile: "How come the topic suddenly changed..."

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