You For Eternity

Chapter 385: Don't want to know our relationship? (4)

Isn’t tomorrow the engagement ceremony for Bai Erye? Just discuss about holding your great-grandson, why is it still talking about Nianxin...

In fact, the children of Nianxin are not considered great-great-grandsons of the Bai family in the true sense, unless their great-grandson-in-law of the Bai family is willing to enter the family tree and follow their surname Bai to enter the Bai family tree.

It's just that Qiantao remembered their conversation a few days ago, and now I am afraid that even Nianxin hasn't entered the Bai family tree, right?

"If the matter is left to Xiaojing, then we can rest assured," Li Yunyan said, "Grandfather, you just wait to hug Great-grandson!"

"Yeah." Bai Yuming also nodded in satisfaction, as if he had some plans.

With a "pop", Li Nianxin put down his chopsticks and stood up.

Bai Yuming seemed to have a premonition of what she was going to do, and said solemnly: "Nianxin, sit down and finish this meal!"

Li Nianxin didn't sit down and looked at the monsters in this room and said, "That is my lifelong event! Why do you all want to be the master for me?"

"Li Nianxin!" Bai Yuming put his chopsticks down again, showing the sternness of the head of the family.

She Li Nianxin dared to yell in front of so many people, just challenging their Bai family's majesty.

Li Nianxin, who had finally calmed down, became excited again, his eyes flushed: "I have been an unrecognized existence since I was born! Why are you going to destroy other people's families? Why...why did you give birth to me?"

Li Nianxin accused Li Yunyan.

Li Hengzhi didn't say a word, and said to Qiantao who couldn't bear it: "Let her say it."

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone in the Bai family is here today, let her say all these grievances.

"You now know how to take care of my lifelong affairs? Mom? Mom... You don't care about me at all! You only know how to please the Bai family! What are you doing when you dress yourself up so noble? Is Mrs. Jia? They won't recognize you at all! The Bai family won't let you enter the door of the Bai family and pollute this place!"

Li Yunyan's face was green and purple, ugly, and he couldn't answer even a word. Everyone in the room was talking about it. This wild girl has let out all the anger he has suffered for more than two decades.

Bai Yuming's expression was not very good, as if he was enduring it. Bai Yujing didn't want to make things worse, and grabbed her hand: "Don't talk about Nianxin!"

"Why can't I say?" Li Nian flushed his eyes, and continued to wait for Li Yunyan to say, "When Madam Bai spreads her anger towards you on me, you dare to stay aside and watch like a dog! Have you spoken half a word for me and blocked half a slap for me? When you stayed in the Bai's house, when you were slaves to your knees, these people! Do these people who sit here know! What kind of mother is pretending to be a good mother now... A lifelong event? I have no future! I was ruined long ago! Ruined!"

When Li Nianxin said this, Qiantao’s heart had already become a piece. She tried to learn some information from Li Hengzhi, but found that he put the hand underneath and grabbed her severely. He seemed Is angry.

"What the Bai family... If it weren't for Mrs. Bai and Bai Xi's death! Can you and I be in charge today?"

With a "pop", Bai Yuming shook Li Nianxin's face. Bai Yujing's eyes widened, and he could not stop him just standing by.

Bai Yuming's slap was very hard, and the crisp sound of the slap echoed in the hall of the Bai family.

"You shut up!" Bai Yuming bit these words out of his teeth.

Everyone knows that Li Nianxin mentioned something that shouldn't be mentioned.

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