You For Eternity

Chapter 386: Don't want to know our relationship? (5)

Bai Xi is a taboo in the Bai family. If the old lady felt a little regretful just now, when he heard Bai Xi's name, he felt angry for a moment and coughed.

"Do you know why I don't want to come back to Bai's house? I'm not a substitute! You have never really loved me, and see me as a relative!" Li Nianxin cried, his eyes blurred, "Bai Xi died, you only remembered With someone like me, you want to find some solace in me? Why are you so arrogantly deciding how to go in the future?"

Bai Yuming was so angry that he still slapped him on the face, and was caught by Bai Yujing: "Big Brother!"

Although Nianxin's tone was aggressive, what she said was true.

In fact, he didn't really look for someone for her, everything was just to make Grandpa happy, but he didn't know that he stepped on the soft zone of Nianxin's heart.

If Mrs. Bai family and Bai Xi were still alive, the Bai family would indeed not have a place for their mother and daughter.

Li Hengzhi suddenly stood up, letting Qiantao know that he would no longer be patient, and walked over to grab Li Nianxin from Bai Yujing.

"Nianxin's surname is Li. She belongs to our Li family. Her life-long events can only be determined by my brother. Your Bai family is not qualified."

Li Hengzhi grabbed Li Nianxin and left here, Qiantao was stunned, and suddenly reacted and chased it out. Li Tianyou's family also left this place of right and wrong.

The Bai family called a family doctor because the old lady was not feeling well.

In such a chaotic scene, Bai Yujing had to stay.


In the car, Li Nianxin hugged herself and cried. Qiantao felt very uncomfortable and hugged her: "Don't cry Nianxin, it's okay..."

"sister in law……"

She was really wrong.

She thought Nian Xin was a carefree little princess, but she didn't know that she really received so much treatment in the Bai family.

Her later appearance was only due to Li Hengzhi's favor, right?

In her story just now, there was no shadow of him at all. Does this mean that he was not raised in the White House?

Before he entered the life of mind, where was he in the world?

These are just Qiantao's guesses, she doesn't know.

Li Hengzhi’s eyes were filled with distress, and he took Li Nianxin from Qiantao’s arms and held it by himself, “No one can force you to marry someone. Nianxin, brother promised that he will not let the Bai family Bully you one more point."

"Brother..." Li Nianxin hugged him tightly, crying.

It's nice to have an older brother... Thinking of this, Qiantao looked out the window, thinking about something.


Li Nianxin fell asleep.

"Let me look at her, if I wake up at night and cry secretly by myself."

"Alright, you stay with her, and I can rest assured."

When he came to the outside living room, Li Hengzhi opened a bottle of wine and drank. Qiantao sat down and asked him, "What is the matter with the Bai family?"

"That's what you heard." When Li Hengzhi spoke, he was very calm.

This time, he didn't choose to skip it, but narrated it gently. Probably, someone really needs to listen.

"My mother is the third member of the Bai family. Bai Yuming took over the Bai family at the age of 20. At that time, Bai Yujing was just a child. He and he originally had a son named Bai Xi who was very much loved by the Bai family. Da, after knowing what kind of existence Nianxin is, I didn't bully her less."

"Where is Bai Yujing? Is he just looking at it?"

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