You For Eternity

Chapter 390: My wife was held by someone else! (3)

They had already acquiesced to Gu Xi's behavior, it was indeed a way to vent, much better than they were hiding in their hearts.

Otherwise, venting once for a long time like Nianxin will hurt the body and the heart.

Gu Xi drank the milk, took a sip, licked it, and said, "Sister Taozi, are you not optimistic about your husband?"


"Hey—" She lifted her chin, and her eyes fell behind her.

Qiantao and Li Nianxin turned around at the same time and saw a pair of Bi people coming in together.

Qiantao is actually not short among the girls, but Yu Zhitong is really tall, her figure and height are enough to be a supermodel, walking beside Li Hengzhi, and matching him how he looks.

Qiantao smiled and said, "It seems to be more worthy than me..."

"Why! No, I think you are more worthy, Xiaoniaoyiren, and more worthy of my brother!" Li Nianxin made a round.

However, Gu Xi held his chin and said, "I have to say, this big sister is really worthy of the fourth master. Taozi, I told you to have a sense of crisis, how can my husband not be optimistic?

"Gu Xi." Li Nianxin gently dragged her behind.

At this time, don't fan the flames. If you are more jealous, everything will become trouble.

"No, I think Gu Xi is right, very worthy."

Li Nianxin looked at her, her expression was very normal, she couldn't see any changes, she didn't know...

My elder brother is can I come in with sister Zhitong?

Gu Xi peeled off a lychee and said, "And as usual, the two of them had problems before."

Qiantao didn't get annoyed, don't ask, he ate the lychees peeled off by Gu Xi and bit, nothing happened, and he didn't show any jealousy.

Yu Zhitong, who was stepping on high heels, suddenly swayed. The moment everyone saw her breaking the heel, a hand had already wrapped her waist.

Yu Zhitong tilted her body, her long hair fell down, turned her head and smiled at the Li Hengzhi who helped her: "Thank you."

Such a scene, beautiful! Such as! painting!

Li Nianxin swallowed, grinning, and glanced at Qiantao who was at the same table.

Gu Xi chewed a few times, looked at Qiantao, and asked plainly, "Sister, aren't you angry?"

Qiantao turned around, looked at them, pursed her lips, and smiled incomparably kind: "It's okay, don't be angry."

"Really? Did I get started too?" Gu Xi smiled treacherously, ran to the two of them, and sat down on the ground, looking at Li Hengzhi innocently, and said, "I fell down. Oppa can get up."

With a "pouch", Li Nianxin heard a laugh instead. Turning around, Qiantao was covering her mouth.

I've seen Bangci, never seen Bangci touched so...

Disrespect people.

Li Hengzhi raised his head and saw that Qiantao was looking at this place. Li Nianxin ran up to help Yu Zhitong: "Sister Zhitong, why did you buy a pair of such poor quality shoes? Complain!"

She speaks loudly, and seems to be explaining to her that everything is a pot of shoes!

Li Hengzhi reached out to Gu Xi and pulled her up.

Obviously he was not wearing high heels, and he could still say "Oh," and slammed his foot directly into his arms and hugged him.

Qiantao, who was still very calm just now, opened his eyes wide for a moment, and couldn't laugh or cry.

I have never seen anyone who can touch porcelain like this...

Li Hengzhi: "..."

With a cough, everyone looked at the door.

As soon as Gu Xi's head tilted, he saw Feng Jingyan's calm face looking at them.


Li Hengzhi raised his hands to show his innocence: Gu Xi was holding him.

Qiantao grunted, feeling violent, and gently spit out two words from her mouth: deserve it!

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