You For Eternity

Chapter 391: My wife was held by someone else! (4)

Seeing the visitor, Gu Xi let go of Li Hengzhi and ran to Feng Jingyan's side quickly, complaining very aggrievedly: "San Ye... Fourth Ye eat my tofu."

People who have witnessed the whole process of eating melon said that this scam was really unpredictable and dumbfounding.

With so many eyes, she dare to talk nonsense?

When Feng Jingyan walked to Li Hengzhi's side, everyone held their breath. If the two men fight, they have to tear down here.

Qiantao said to Li Nianxin, "I will win by a dime."

Li Nianxin: "..."

(⊙o⊙) Sister-in-law, you are selfishly thinking that San Ye will win!

However, Feng Jingyan just passed by and said: "Children are fooling around, don't take it to heart."

When the crowd was unable to watch, Qian Tao pouted unhappily and said the same line as Gu Xi: "It's boring!"

Yu Zhitong was sitting beside Li Nianxin at this time, but Li Hengzhi deliberately bypassed and sat in an empty seat beside Qiantao. As soon as he sat down on his front feet, he wanted to talk to her, and Qiantao stood up on the back feet and shook his back.

"Ah..." Li Tianyou, who was watching the whole process, spread his hands, "Cousin, you are in trouble!"

For the first time, Li Hengzhi, who had a hot face and a cold ass, was not only not angry, but also smiled helplessly as she looked at her leaving back. The flash of smile hanging on the corner of her mouth made Yu Zhitong think she had hallucinations.

When did he... laugh so happy?

Qiantao left to the self-service area, took a plate, and selected some appetizing side dishes, but did not notice that a small tomato fell under his feet, and the sole of his shoes slipped on it.

Before I could see it clearly, a dark shadow appeared, hugging her waist.

Because the range of the fall was a bit large, Qiantao's foot caught him, causing him to be unstable.

It was almost a flash of lightning, Ye Yunshen changed their positions, he fell heavily to the ground, Qian Tao fell into his arms, depending on the situation, he did not knock anywhere.

The group of people sitting in the seat did not react, Li Nianxin let go of her hand, and the food held by the chopsticks fell onto the plate, and she gave a dry laugh: "Xianshibao..."

She immediately looked at Li Hengzhi, and thought to herself, asking you to hold someone else's wife, now that's it, your wife was held by someone else! Retribution, right?

Still fell sturdily.

Mu Qinxin was standing by, and she didn't expect to pull it, but she froze aside.

Two people face each other, their eyes touched together, as if they had entered a different space with no one, they could not hear or see the outside world.


Knowing that she is not Chu Chu, looking at her eyes, he still feels that her eyes are full of familiar feelings? How many times has he seen her up close in this way?

That's how Chu Chu feels, but...

With a squeak, the chair foot made a harsh rubbing sound against the ground. Li Nianxin felt the shadow next to him become much bigger in an instant.

Li Hengzhi walked towards them.

He helped Qiantao up, declared that sovereignty was generally in his arms, and stretched out his hand towards Ye Yunshen.

The melon-eating crowd saw that Ye Yunshen had already stood up, but the hands of the two of them had not let go. The flaming eyes touched each other, and they did not know the cause and effect. They thought they looked at each other. It.

Qiantao could clearly see that both hands seemed to have been injected with a lot of power, and the atmosphere was tense and raging.

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