You For Eternity

Chapter 394: Are you jealous? (3)

Li Nianxin sniffed and asked, "Xiao Bai, if I say, I don't want Bai's family, I only want you, do you want me?"

Bai Yujing’s eyes widened for a moment, but after all, he was a person who had experienced strong winds and waves. He quickly calmed down. He looked at her and said, “Of course I want you. I’m your uncle. The other people in the Bai family don’t want you. I won't want you."

"I don't want my uncle!" Li Nianxin shouted all of a sudden, and everyone looked here.

Qiantao finally stood up and pulled her to remind her: "Nianxin, don't talk about it."

Two lines of tears shed in Li Nianxin's eyes, and he looked at him stubbornly, "I will ask you, cancel today's engagement and be my Li Nianxin's man, are you willing or not?"

"Li Nianxin!" Bai Yujing's tone became tougher, "When will you be sensible? You are not a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl anymore, why do you still say these nonsense? Haven't you understood for so many years?"

"That's unwilling?" She stared at him, asking for an answer today.

"This is not a question of willingness and unwillingness at all. You and I cannot be together. There is a blood relationship that can't be surpassed in this life. Don't you understand? I used to think you were young and didn't understand, but you are already Twenty-two!"

Li Nianxin kept staring straight at him, staring so flusteredly. When Qiantao was a little worried that something might happen, she suddenly retracted her gaze and blew her nose: "I see..."

There was something flashing in Bai Yujing's eyes, he paused, and asked, "You went to Mohai to hide from me?"

"No," Li Nianxin suddenly laughed, "I'm kidding you, brother, take it seriously."

Qiantao wasn't sure how Bai Yujing felt after seeing Nianxin like this. She only knew that she was almost heartbroken when she saw Nianxin's smile.

She had seen them for so long and had never heard Nianxin call him "little uncle", and now she seemed to be desperate, using this name to isolate their impossible relationship.

She thought, Nianxin knew it in her heart, and they couldn't be together. Bai Yujing refused mercilessly, cutting off the last thought in her heart.

She sniffed and said with a smile, "Go, don't you want to apologize to Grandpa? I'll go."

After Li Nianxin left the hotel first, Bai Yujing looked at Qiantao: "Mrs. Li want to go together?"

"Oh go!" Qiantao nodded straight, "I will go with you."

She couldn't play alone when she became like this, so she might as well be with Nianxin, which is worrying.


"Sister-in-law, you don't actually need to follow me, I'm fine."

"No!" Qiantao said with a smile, "I have something. Isn't your brother not here yet? How lonely I seem to be walking around in the banquet hall by myself."

Sometimes, like Gu Xi's way of expressing everything in her heart, it makes people less worried, at least they all know what she wants to do.

But Nianxin has always been in this quiet look after going to see Grandpa Bai, just like the time she had just returned from Mohai, giving her a very strange feeling.

How could she not worry about such a Li Nianxin?

It's too quiet, which makes people feel more uneasy.

When Li Hengzhi is not there, of course she has to help him look at his sister, but nothing should happen.

Thinking of this, Qiantao again thought of Li Hengzhi's attitude towards Nianxin, and she had a doubt in her heart. Could it be that... Nianxin liked the matter of Second Master Bai, did Li Hengzhi know?

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