You For Eternity

Chapter 395: Are you jealous? (4)

"If you are worried, just give my brother a call to remind you. It's not a problem if you don't come." Li Nianxin was a little dissatisfied.

"It's okay, sister goddess... isn't it one of your sisters."

"Actually..." Li Nian stopped talking, "Actually she—"

Her words stopped suddenly, and her eyes fell behind her.

Qiantao turned around and saw that Bai Yujing and others were coming in their direction, seeming to be looking for Nianxin.

As the bridegroom-to-be, Bai Yujing wears a slim black suit with piercing eyes. Qiantao glanced at Li Nianxin beside her, a little drumming in her heart, not knowing what else would happen.

Bai Yuming knows her. Although the bride-to-be has never seen her, judging from her dress and the way she holds Bai Yujing's arm, this person is today's heroine, Lan Fei.

There was a handsome young man beside Lan Fei, and they didn't know that he was Lan Fei's younger brother and the future successor of the Lan family, Lan Ye until Bai Yujing introduced him.

Needless to say, you can know what this is going to do.

Bai Yujing is fulfilling his promise to Grandpa Bai last night, choosing a son-in-law for Li Nianxin.

"Oh, uncle, is this the husband's house you chose for me?" Unlike the morning, Li Nianxin smiled sweetly at this time, just as before.

For some reason, Bai Yujing avoided Nianxin's sight uncomfortably.

When Bai Yuming came, he was a little worried that her daughter would behave like last night. Seeing her reaction, she was relieved immediately.

"Lan Ye is young and promising, and is a good candidate. If you and Lan Ye become married, our Bai family and Lan family will kiss each other."

"I want to listen to my uncle," Li Nianxin smiled. "My uncle thinks Lan Ye is my best candidate?"

Apart from Qiantao, no one understands the hidden meaning in it. I'm afraid that neither the Bai family nor the Lan family knows Nianxin's feelings towards Erye Bai...

Nianxin has handed over his own future to him!

Not to mention Bai Yujing, even Qiantao felt the pressure.

He probably didn't want to decide the future of Nianxin casually.

However, Nianxin pressed on every step of the way, and he had to give out an ambiguous answer: "Very good."

"My uncle is fine, I listen to my uncle!"

In the eyes of the Lan family, Li Nianxin was a good girl who listened to her family, but Bai Yuming faintly felt that something was wrong.

This girl has been close to her little brother since she was a child, and she really listened to him the most, but today's things... made him feel uneasy.

Do not know why.

"That's great! Nianxin, I will gradually hand over everything I have to Lan Ye to handle from now on," Lan Fei smiled and said, "What about you, just be his wise helper."

Lan Ye reached out his hand gentlemanly: "Little princess Nianxin, can you please dance?"

"Of course," Li Nianxin put his hand in his hand, glanced at Bai Yujing, then at Lan Fei, "Then let's go dancing, Aunt Zhu."

"Okay," Lan Fei was very happy when he heard this name, "A Ye, take good care of Nianxin."

Qiantao's eyes faintly revealed some worries, what should I do...Should I tell Li Hengzhi?

I don't know who this Lan Ye is, how can I just give him his thoughts casually?

"Who is this?"

"Mrs. Li."

"Mrs. Li? Isn't it from Fourth Master Li?" Lan Fei felt that the identity of someone who could be told from Bai Yujing's mouth was definitely not simple, so he thought of Li Hengzhi directly.

"it's him."

Li Hengzhi is married?

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