You For Eternity

Chapter 396: Are you jealous? (5)

Qiantao doesn't know much about the Lan family, but she also heard that Lan Fei is a typical strong woman. Although she is a woman, she can train her people to be subdued.

She is indeed a big business person, and she did not behave very clearly, and she called the waiter and asked him to take Qiantao to the VIP lounge: "There are too many people to entertain one by one. Mrs. Li must eat well, don't be hungry. Yes, if the fourth master is to blame, we should say that our white and blue families did not entertain them well."

"No, no, you don't need to care about me, go ahead and do your business."

If it weren't for thoughts, at first glance, she would feel that this pair of Bi people was very right.


Thinking, sighed.

"Is it not so good for Mrs. Li to sigh here on such a festive day?"

Qiantao turned around quickly.

Only Ye Yunshen was alone.

"President Ye is alone."

He gave an "um" as expected, the expression was like she asked a very idiotic question: as you can see, a person.

"Mrs. Li is alone."

Qiantao responded perfunctorily, not prepared to describe too much.

Her eyes swept around, seeming to be looking for an opportunity to leave.

"Since they are all alone, let's get together for a drink?"

A waiter with a drink walked past them, Ye Yunshen stopped him with a look in his eyes and took two cocktails, one of which was brought to Qiantao: "Would you like a drink for your face?"

It was unreasonable to reject him at this time, and Qiantao took it.

Everyone was doing their own thing, she was just one of the guests who came to the engagement banquet, and she could not find the chance to leave for a while.

The two leaned against a long table, sipping cocktails, like the hurried guests of this banquet.

"Mrs. Li can't remember, I mistaken you for my friend."

"Huh?" Qiantao took a sip and nodded, "Um... I remember. Do we look alike?"

"It's not like, exactly the same," he said, his eyes falling, "even though eight years have passed."

Qiantao paused, and pressed her lips to the wine glass.

She didn't look at Ye Yunshen, her eyes fell to the front, and there was no exact landing point.

"Even if we looked exactly the same eight years ago, it should have changed in eight years."

"Do not."

Ye Yun was on one side and stood in front of her. Because of the shadow, Qiantao raised her head abruptly. At this moment, his long fingers lifted away the hair that had fallen from her forehead. He kept his ears away, his eyes were deep, and his eyes poured a lot. Complicated, confusing...

"It's strange... it doesn't seem to have changed at all, it's still the same as before, the same eyes, the same breath, the same feeling..."

What two people really have no binding effect on him.

As long as he looked at her like this, he felt that she was his Chu Chu, thinking about Chu Chu, who hadn't forgotten him for a minute.

Qiantao's eyes flashed, and at the moment of regaining consciousness, she turned her face, avoiding his hand, and said, "Mr. Ye, you should drink less, you are all drunk."

His hand stopped in the air.

He did not take it back, but slowly said in a drunken tone: "I'm not drunk."

He is sober.

But even so, it was still impossible to distinguish Chu from her.

If he is really drunk, or if he can see Chu Chu when he is drunk, then he is willing to stay so drunk.

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