You For Eternity

Chapter 398: This man, she can't afford it (1)

Strange, isn't it a cramped foot?

If you can still wear high heels, it proves that the damage is not very serious.

No wonder I arrived so late, it turned out to be accompanied by the beauty to the hospital, and after reading my feet, I accompanied me to buy a pair of shoes.



Well, this is what a gentleman should do. You can't leave a beautiful woman in the hospital alone.

"I looked pretty good," Li Hengzhi looked in the direction she was pointing, "beautiful person, good figure, is a suitable dance partner. Then I will go."

"Go." Qiantao sat in her seat and smiled.

After speaking, he picked up the unfinished glass of cocktail and took a sip. In an instant, a puff of breath rushed into his head.

It's just a cocktail, how come it feels so strong?

Sweeping his gaze inadvertently, the man had already stood by Yu Zhitong's side, and the two of them had touched their glasses as if they were talking.

My mouth is dry...

Looking at the cocktail in his hand, he drank it in one breath.

Men are all dressed beasts! Seeing the goddess is untenable, right?

Gu Xi is right, they have something, and they have no small things.

Husband flirts with others, but sitting here drinking boring wine, what is it?

Qiantao suddenly had the illusion of being snatched by others, but soon shook his head.

What nonsense!

Li Hengzhi has never been hers.

Qiantao stood up, ready to leave here. She once felt that she and Li Hengzhi had a contractual relationship, and even if he and Xue Miaomiao reported that they were going to be engaged, she would still be as stable as a mountain, preparing to receive the divorce agreement at any time.

She thought she could bear him talking about love with other women in marriage, only then did she realize that she was overestimating herself.

She might have been a little dizzy by him recently, taking herself too seriously, thinking that he could really keep his promise to her.

As everyone knows, he has no feelings for other women, not because of his marital relationship with her, but because...

There is always a goddess in his mind.

Now that the goddess is back, he is no longer the superior god, after all, he has become like a mortal, unable to escape the pursuit of the goddess.

It is said that first love is the untouchable sacredness in a man's heart, she thinks so, Yu Zhitong, after all, is different from Xue Miaomiao.

"Then it's settled. When I return to Haicheng, I will arrange a meal, and when I have an excuse to go out and call, you will talk to her."

"I think you have to talk to her before I can help her? According to our current relationship, she won't tell me a word," Yu Zhitong took a sip of wine and said with a smile. This little girl looks very well-behaved, but have you noticed that there is actually a thought hidden in her heart, which is invisible to others."

"I know," she had a secret in her heart, "that's why I asked you to help her out of the gloom."

Yu Zhitong smiled and said nothing.

"Come back this time, are you still leaving?" he asked.

"Probably not leaving... When I finish the divorce, I will have nothing to do with him."


"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" Yu Zhitong sighed, "Sometimes I often wonder...If the person I married back then was you, would I be very happy."

Li Hengzhi bored his head to dry the glass of wine in his hand, and said solemnly: "There is no if."

Yu Zhitong turned his head and stared at him. This man is bold and decisive. She has never seen the word "regret" in his eyes.

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