You For Eternity

Chapter 399: This man, she can't afford it (2)

"Hengzhi, do you regret it?" Yu Zhitong looked at him expectantly, hoping to get an affirmative answer from his mouth.

"What do you regret?" he asked quietly.

"I don't regret letting me make my choice afterwards."

"No regrets."

His answer without hesitation made her heart calm as water.

"I really...have no regrets at all?" A trace of sadness flashed through Yu Zhitong's eyes, and a wry smile, "Is it because I met her? Her appearance makes you feel that life now is no better than being with me. Bad, right?"

Li Hengzhi leaned on the edge of the table and was silent for a few seconds. "You can think so."

She smiled, a bit sad, and a bit envious: "It's good... I watched you together, so happy. You pet her, love her, have you found out, you look at her I laughed inadvertently when I saw you. I have never seen you like this before. You seem to be... quietly changed."

He had a look in his eyes, it seemed that he hadn't expected this.

He was changed?

He knew that he had slowly started to like that little woman, perhaps this kind of like... was gradually changing to "love". This change is delicate and subtle, making it hard to notice.

Yu Zhitong had been separated from him for so long, and when he saw him again, she naturally felt a big difference.

"If I choose you... then it is me who chooses to have all this favorite, right?"

Li Hengzhi put the wine glass on the table with a plain tone: "I don't know, even if you chose me back then, it may not end like this, everything is the best arrangement."

When he met Yu Zhitong, he did not expect that they would not be together, just as he did not expect to meet Qiantao after she left.

He lost Yu Zhitong and got Qiantao.

The future is always unpredictable. You don't know what you will gain and what you will lose. What you lose today is not necessarily a misfortune, and what you get tomorrow is not necessarily a blessing. If you lose it, you will reap the mulberry.

As he said, he turned his eyes to the left, saw the empty rest area, and stood up straight, "Where is the person?"

Seeing him leave to find Qiantao, Yu Zhitong was startled, muttering: "Everything is the best arrangement..."

After speaking, he laughed.

What is miserable for her now, is it the best arrangement for him?



In the compartment, the door was too late to close, Qiantao rushed in and gagged at the toilet for a while.

Like this kind of international star-rated hotel, the toilet is cleaned at any time, clean, without any unpleasant smell.

Seeing that the floor was clean, Qiantao, who was unstable, knelt down and patted her heart, trying to make herself feel better.

After talking about Ye Yunshen, he inadvertently mixed with alcohol and drank, probably for this reason, he felt like vomiting before he even felt drunk.

However, I don't know if it is due to the psychological effects. I retched for a long time and didn't spit out anything.

Could it be that seeing Li Hengzhi and Yu Zhitong together caused psychological stimulation?

Qiantao closed his eyes, tapped his forehead, and exhaled, what is the matter with Qiantao...... Is this exciting? What I saw was not the scene of them getting in bed, too exaggerated...

Really hypocritical!

"Really hypocritical!"

When someone outside suddenly said this, Qiantao was still stunned for a moment. What the hell, self-blaming words can still be said?

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