You For Eternity

Chapter 419: The dress dyed red with blood (6)

"Xiao Bai..." Li Nianxin's mouth was full of blood, his expression was extremely painful, his eyes overflowed with hot tears, "Will I die..."

"No," his voice sounded very calm, his eyes were even more silent, one hand supporting her body, the other holding her small hand, "it's okay."

"You lied to me……"

"When did my uncle fool you?"

"Then I... can I still see you?"

His blood-stained hands could not wipe the tears from her cheeks for fear of staining her clean face. "Yes, you can sleep well later, and you can see me when you wake up. I won't go anywhere and watch you."

No one could predict the future, Li Nianxin felt that he was dying, his whole body was weak, as if his spirit was running away.

His firm words seemed to really determine her life and death, but...

She doesn't believe it.

But when she heard what he said, she still laughed.

She suddenly thought, if she was dead and could not wake up from lying on the operating table, would he keep his promise and guard her?

She has turned into ashes, will he always guard her?

if so……

That's good too.

She didn't know whether her eyes were blurred by tears, or her consciousness was slowly diminishing, and she could no longer see the person in front of her.

"Nianxin!" He grasped her hand tightly again, "Don't sleep for now, and talk to my uncle for a while."

After Yubi, he looked at others with cold and gloomy eyes, and his eyes seemed to ask: Why hasn't the ambulance arrived yet?

"Second Lord! The ambulance is coming soon—"

Bai Yujing gently picked up Li Nianxin, and sternly: "Get out of the way!"

No one dared to stand in the way, and people everywhere consciously gave up the wide avenue.

As he walked, he said to Li Nianxin: "Don't sleep Nianxin! Uncle tells you a joke."

Hearing this, Li Nianxin's consciousness came back a bit, coughed, and spit out another mouthful of blood, all on his clothes. "Uncle can't tell jokes..."

"There is a wolf baby who only eats vegetarian food without meat when he was born. His parents are very worried. One day he finally saw him chasing a rabbit and was very pleased. But when the wolf baby stopped the rabbit, he shouted: The carrots stay!"

"Haha..." Li Nian smiled weakly, and the tears in his eyes fell easily.

Not because it is funny.

It was instead that she remembered that it was that afternoon when she ran home and ran all the way to the study after learning that he was in the study. Regardless of whether it interrupted his work or not, she sat directly opposite him and said, "Xiaobai! Tell a joke!"

Bai Yujing deserved to be perfunctory. He thought he was not listening. After he finished, he didn't laugh, but he raised his head and asked seriously: "Why do wolves eat carrots?"

Forgive her for having a low laugh in her bohemian life, and for a little uncle who has a high laugh and respects the logic of facts.

Such a joke was mentioned by him many years later, and she felt that his memory was really good.

If he hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't be able to think of such a thing.

Just thinking about it, I kind of missed the past time.

She hasn't left Jiangchuan or a cold war with him. She can like him wantonly as a child, telling him loudly that she likes him and wants to be with him.

At that time, he would not yell at her, and he would often not take her words to heart. He was really annoyed by her. He would pretend to be serious and say: Li Nianxin, I won't give you pocket money anymore.

For pocket money, she will behave for a day or two.

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