You For Eternity

Chapter 420: The dress dyed red with blood (7)

Li Nianxin felt very tired and kept closing her eyes. She was afraid that she would never be able to open them anymore, so she was working hard and persisting to look at him for one more second, even one glance.

"Xiao Bai..." She raised her bloodied hand laboriously and touched his cheek, "If there is another life...will you come to me?"

I don't want to be related to him anymore, let them simply love him once, okay?

This is her only wish before closing her eyes.

"Nianxin...Nianxin!" He lowered his eyes to look at Li Nianxin, his eyes were no longer so calm, "Don't sleep, hold on for a while--"

He directly carried Li Nianxin into the ambulance and put it on the push bed. It seemed that a new young doctor didn't know what to do. After a little slower, he heard a roar: "Help her!!"

Trembling, a group of medical staff surrounded Li Nianxin.


Outside the operating room, only Bai Yujing and his confidants, Li Hengzhi and Qiantao, were left.

Li Nianxin's accident was temporarily hidden from the old lady Bai, Bai Yuming and Li Yunyan pretended to be innocent and went back to Bai's house to avoid the old people's suspicion.

Bai Yujing paced back and forth at the door, and his cronies knew that Erye was very anxious now.

Li Hengzhi sat in a chair, Qiantao sat aside with him, constantly calming his emotions.

"It's okay, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Nianxin, she is still so young, God won't be so cruel."

Li Hengzhi hadn't said anything, just sitting like this, quietly, and caressing his forehead from time to time, looking as anxious as Bai Yujing.

Qiantao is also very worried about Nianxin's condition, but after all, she is not like them, and she has been with Nianxin for so long, saying that she feels the same, but she is afraid that it is still a little worse.

In other words, if the person lying in the operating room today is Qianyi, she might not even have any thoughts, can she sit here to comfort Li Hengzhi?

The lights in the operating room were on, and there was no news inside.

They were very anxious, but couldn't go in and interrupted the treatment.

Probably there was really no way to vent, and there was no other way. Li Heng sat up, pulled Qiantao over and hugged him in his arms.

He embraced Qiantao in his hands, and buried his face on her body with some fatigue.

At that moment, Qiantao suddenly had a strange feeling.

He is no longer the emperor, but like a child, seeking comfort.

No matter how strong people are, they have their own weaknesses. For him, are they relatives?

For a moment, Qiantao embraced him with a flood of maternal love, as if occasionally comforting Qianyi, patted him on the back, and said in his ear: "It's okay."

At that time, she felt that it was not just that she needed a sense of security, but also Li Hengzhi?

When she is afraid, she can seek security with him; then when he is afraid? She didn't know if holding him like this would make him feel better, but she just learned how he was when he protected her, drawing gourds the same way, hoping to give him a certain sense of security.

Suddenly, before the lights in the operating room were turned off, the door was opened, and the doctor with blood on his hands came out with an anxious expression: "Oh, Mr. Bai, the patient has lost too much blood and can't stop it!"

Li Hengzhi and Qiantao both looked over.

"If you can't stop it, stop it!" Bai Yujing was rarely nervous.

The doctor's words made them sweat all over: "Miss Nianxin is RH negative blood!"

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