You For Eternity

Chapter 457: Let's go to see dad (4)

However, after so long, he didn't mean to divorce, and until now, she has not been able to figure out the reason why he chose her in the first place.

Is it true that as he said, just because he slept, he got married by the way?


That Fourth Master Li got married really casually...

"Why, not willing?" Seeing her hesitation, he asked, "Am I so shameless?"

⊙o⊙)!" Qiantao widened her eyes, and then let out a chuckle, "Siye, what are you kidding me? You are shameless? That is probably the funniest joke I have ever heard! "

If the fourth master Li is dignified, then who else can see people in Haicheng?

Knowing that his words are funny, I still feel embarrassed after thinking about it.

"I thought you didn't want me to see the parents."

"No..." Qiantao lowered her head, her eyes fell on her handbag and said, "Didn't you say...Don't tell anyone about our relationship...I'm just doing what you said."

"I asked you to keep a distance from other men, and I never saw you so obedient." He urged.

No matter what he said, it was five years ago. Some verbal promises were actually forgotten by him. He didn't know how she had such a good memory. He kept a word of it in his heart.

Should she say that she has a high IQ, or should she say that she knows the world and knows how to do things?

Indeed, as a wealthy wife, she is extremely qualified. A wife like her who is sensible and will not cause trouble to her husband is what men in their circle need most and eagerly hope to have.

"Then you tell Sheng Ming again that he is not afraid..."

"Sheng Ming is really not to be afraid."

Sheng Ming and Xiao Yuanhang are different.

Because he could tell, she didn't mean anything to Sheng Ming.

He would care about Xiao Yuanhang, because he is her ex-boyfriend, and she can count on him for his sake. It is difficult for people to ignore such sacrifices.

And now, Xiao Yuanhang's threat is not so great. Judging from her resolute attitude towards Xiao Yuanhang every time, he has no chance.

At present, the person who makes him care more than anyone...

It is Ye Yunshen.

The existence of this person... I don't know why, it makes him feel uncomfortable inexplicably.

"By the way, how did the meal with Ye Yunshen go?"

"Huh?" Qiantao was a little startled, and she woke up suddenly, "It's... it's okay..."

The topic turned too fast, right? I was talking about Sheng Ming just now, so why did I talk about him in a blink of an eye...

"What's the matter, so nervous? Could it be that what you did with Ye Yunshen behind my back?"

"No!" Regardless of whether he was teasing her, she vetoed it for the first time. "We just ate a meal, and I left after eating, and he didn't send me away."

Sure enough, her reaction was abnormal.

Speaking of Sheng Ming and Xiao Yuanhang, she would not be so nervous, only Ye Yunshen...

"I know, just ask."


Linshui City.

"Yunshen--this morning, you don't eat breakfast, where are you going?"

Ye Yunshen came down from the second floor and had to pass the living room when he left.

The Mu family came to Ye's family as guests, and Ye's father and Ye's mother came to entertain themselves. The servant was supposed to call his son to come down, but he was down, but he put on his clothes as if he was going out.

"Something." He answered briefly.

"What else can you do? No matter how big the company is, your uncle Mu has come here, and you won't come to see you! At least you have to call someone."

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