You For Eternity

Chapter 458: Let's go to see dad (5)

Ye Mu said, winking at Mu Qin Xin.

Mu Qinxin walked over and grabbed him: "Yun Shen, it's rare for my dad and mommy to come here, so don't go to work with the company. It doesn't matter if you delay one day."

Ye Yun turned half of his body deeply, looking at both parents sitting in the hall, his eyebrows frowned tightly: "I said something is going on."

Mu Qinxin was a little awkward standing there.

He doesn't even listen to her fiancée, or in front of both parents, she has no face?

Mother Ye also stood up and dragged him over, "You child! The company allows you to take care of you so well and your performance is booming. Why are you so confused when it comes to personal matters? The elders are visiting, why are you so ignorant! Sit down quickly and let's talk."

"What are you talking about?"

Mu Qinxin also came back and sat down beside her parents.

Before Ye's mother could answer, Ye Yunshen replied by himself: "Married? It's another rhetoric. It's been eight years of engagement. It's time to get married. It's time to take care of it. It's time to inherit the Ye family, right? "

"Yunshen!" Ye Yunshen's tone was wrong, and Ye Father forbade him to continue.

It's been a while since the last time I mentioned the marriage, I thought it was so long, he should have figured it out, who knows it's still so stubborn.

"Yunshen!" Ye Mu frowned, and said softly, "You Mu's uncle Mu is here, don't be like this, lose our Ye family's face."

"It should have been lost long ago!" Ye Yunshen said without showing any face to anyone, "I should have let you lose face eight years ago! I won't marry Qin Xin. How many times have you asked me? Just this answer will not change for too many young people!"

Except for him, the faces of everyone else are very ugly.

"This marriage contract, if you want to keep it, keep it. You are willing to keep on using the name of the engagement, and I don't care--"




Father Ye slapped Ye Yunshen's face as an explanation for the Mu family.

"You rebellious son! How could you say such things in front of your future father-in-law! How could we give birth to a son like you! I didn't worry about it! Apologize to your father-in-law!"

Mu's mother smiled stiffly, not wanting her daughter to do it hard, "Forget it, the child is ignorant, so we don't care about it."

"Uncle, Yun Shen may be in a bad mood today—"

Ping-pong, Ye Yunshen lifted the coffee table and stunned everyone for a moment.

"I am not only in a bad mood today, but I am in a bad mood every day! Do you know why?"

"Boy! Don't say it! You want to **** your dad!"

"Of course you know why!" Ye Yunshen, who had always been calm, suddenly yelled out of control, "Because Chu Chu is gone!"

The words Chu Chu, heard again after many years, are still so frightening.

Ye Mu's face turned pale in an instant.

That child is too infectious.

"Do you think time can heal my pain? No! It can't be cured! If Chu Chu is gone, my heart is hollowed out! I told you eight years ago that I will not marry anyone except Chu Chu! You think Am I kidding you?"

How many years... Ye Mu couldn't answer for a while. They hadn't heard Chu Chu's name in his mouth for so many years, thinking that everything was over and it started to get better, everything about him seemed so normal.

So... still the same?

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