You For Eternity

Chapter 460: Let's go to see dad (7)

"What are you being polite with Auntie? Just tell me what's the matter. Hey...Is it scared you too when Yun Shen got such a big fire today?"

"It doesn't matter auntie... what I want to say is, I seem to know why Yun Shen is so abnormal... except that tomorrow is Chu Chu's death."

"What else?"

"We went to Erye Bai's engagement banquet this time and met someone."


"She is the eldest daughter of the mayor of Haicheng City, but did you know Auntie, she actually... looks exactly like Chu Chu!"

Mother Ye was stunned: "How come?"

"Really! I saw it with my own eyes, exactly the same! It scared me. At first, I thought it was Chu Chu... But she was indeed the daughter of the mayor of Haicheng, and Yun Shen knew that she was not Chu Chu."

"What a coincidence..."


"Mr. Ye, it's here, it's a bit dirty, or should I go up and have a look?"

"No, I'll go by myself, you'll be waiting for me here."

The orphanage was burned down by a fire many years ago, and all the materials were burned to the point. There was no way to check Chuchu's adoption records.

Finally, I found a nun who lived here.

"you are……"

"Hello, my name is Ye Yunshen."

The nun shook her head: "No impression..."

"Excuse me, have you ever stayed in Linshui Welfare Institute?"

"Yeah...but that was before the fire, causing evil... I saw a few children with my own eyes... couldn't be saved... It's so heartache..."

"It's a pity..." Ye Yunshen said, "but I came today to ask you something. Do you remember that there was a pair of twins in the Linshui Welfare Institute?"

"Twins?" The nun squinted her eyes and thought carefully. "There are too many children in the orphanage...I saw that there are several pairs of twins who grew up, but which pair are you talking about?"

"One of them is called Chu Chu."

"Chu Chu? Chu Chu...Mr. Ye, I don't seem to be very familiar with this name, and I don't remember it clearly. I have been out of there for more than ten years."

"Chu Chu was adopted at the age of five, and now..." If he is still alive... "It's twenty-three now."

"Ah... That was at least 18 years ago. You have to know that some children are blessed and adopted by good people not long after they arrive. But some children are not so lucky. I may stay there for a long time, or stay there all the time. If it is the latter, I must remember it, but this chuchu...I really don’t remember."

"Think about it, and help!"

"Really can't remember... It's too long. It should be the twins Chu Chu. They were adopted shortly after they came, so I can't remember."

Seeing that the nun was really embarrassed, Ye Yunshen couldn't help but, "Okay, thank you, I will think of a way."

Ye Yun left helplessly.

"Chu Chu..." The nun kept chanting this name.

I have no impression, and it seems that I have actually heard the name. But after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't remember which two children they were.

The nun took out a photo album and turned over the group photos.

Because I will take a group photo every other time, maybe I can find something.

I kept turning around, and suddenly stopped at a certain page.

In the front row stood two little girls, dressed in the same clothes, all with bangs, two cute ponytails, holding two little hands together, smiling very well at the camera.

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