You For Eternity

Chapter 461: Let's go to see dad (8)

What stopped the nun was when she saw the hanging tags on the necks of the two little girls. It was too small, and the words on the tag were not clear, but the nun’s memory suddenly overlapped with the picture.

She vaguely remembered, yes yes... on one of the hang tags, it seems that it says Chu Chu!

Some parents abandon their children and attach the child’s birth and name, which are usually written on paper, but each of these two children has a tag with their name and birth time engraved respectively.

Take the photo out and take a look. The name is written on the back of the photo and on the back of every figure.

Because the members of the orphanage were separated and reunited, some stayed there for a short time. The name was also written down as a commemorative.


Chu Nian!

The other is called Chu Nian!

It's them!

The nun opened the window to call Ye Yunshen up, but she sighed when she saw that his car was already far away.


People from the Ministry of Information found that Minister Qian was out of luck today and often called her without responding.

Gu Tong glanced from a distance, put down what he was holding and walked over. Yuan Peipei took her hand, "Eh little pepper! Taozi is a bit strange today, did she hear any gossip?"

In the past few days, there has been a lot of talk about her being a junior and destroying other people's family harmony.

"If you want to hear it, you've heard it a long time ago. How could it be possible that I was stunned today? I'll go over and see.

After Gu Tong entered, he closed the door and locked it to prevent anyone from coming in suddenly.

Sure enough, Qiantao sat in a daze and didn't notice anyone came in.

Gu Tong suddenly patted on the table, Qiantao shook, and patted his heart: "Why, Tongtong, it scares me to death."

"What are you doing, Miss? In broad daylight, why are you so surprised?"

"Nothing..." Qiantao took a deep breath, stood up from the seat, poured a glass of cold water and drank.

"Your complexion is so bad? It's nothing...Is it on my mind?"

Knowing that she couldn't hide Gu Tong, she nodded, "Tomorrow... is the anniversary of my sister's death."

Gu Tong's eyes widened suddenly, too: "Chu Nian's death day?" No wonder... She was so mad today because she was thinking about tomorrow.

Qiantao nodded.

"Have you remembered something again? Tomorrow her death day, then let's take a leave, and we will have a visit to Linshui tomorrow? You haven't visited her for years."

"I'm afraid of bad luck, I'll meet Ye Yunshen. I'm also afraid of going to Linshui suddenly..."

"Discovered by the big boss?"

She nodded.

"What will he find out?"

She shook her head again: "I don't know... I can't figure out what he thinks. When thoughts are endangering my life, I can't take care of so much. Tell them Ye Yunshen's blood type. He must have already doubted in his heart. But he did. I didn’t ask. If I go to Linshui this time, I don’t know if he will ask. If I ask, how should I answer...what?"

"Otherwise you should go. You haven't been to see her for so long, so there is no reason to not go. Besides, the adult is kind to you now and you can feel it. If he asks, then you should not hide it. Just tell him the truth."

"Okay, listen to you. Come with me tomorrow. I have someone to accompany me, so I can rest assured."

"no problem!"


Today, Thursday, Li Hengzhi still had entertainment in the evening. When she returned home late, she mentioned that she was going to Tongtong's house for the night. He didn't have any doubts and only asked her to be careful on the way.

In the evening, Qiantao took a bath, took out the two hanging tags, and put them in the bag. This scene was seen by Qianyi who came in suddenly, and the movement of rushing in couldn't escape his eyes.

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