You For Eternity

Chapter 492: Chu Chu will not commit suicide (9)

Ye Yunshen was also asked: "Uh...there is also this...but there are also boyfriends and girls who are not like that, no, I mean, we just want to be friends now."

"Sorry, I don't have time to play any love game with you, you are not a prince, and I am not Cinderella. Fairy tales, I don't believe it at the age of eight!"

Chu Chu broke free of him, Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment and said: "It's too late, I will send you back--"

Chu Chu never paused for half a second, and left here without looking back.

The memory flashes back.

At that time, Chu Chu left the resolute back, and at this time their group of friends looked back, and it was still so clear.

Later, if you understand it, you will know that she is indeed a girl who is very distressing and wants to protect.

Obviously it was eight years ago, but if you think about it now, those pictures are as if they were still yesterday.

Even they remember so clearly, let alone Ye Yunshen who loves her that way?

Thinking about it this way, the woman who looked exactly like Chu Chu really wouldn't be Chu Chu. Their personalities are really completely different. Chu Chu is resolute and strong. Before meeting Ye Yunshen, except for a few sisters who followed her, he hardly believed in anyone and didn't like to make friends.

Chu Chu had been dead for so many years, and people in Linshui had different opinions on the cause of her death. Some said it was a misstep, while others said it was a suicide. In short, the body was found at the foot of the mountain and killed on the spot.

After so many years, their friends did not dare to mention Chu Chu in front of Ye Yunshen, let alone ask more.

But they all felt that Chu Chu was not the kind of person who would commit suicide. She survived many desperate days. How could such a brave girl commit suicide because of her emotional injury?

However, at that time one of them said again: But Yunshen is all of Chu Chu. She takes all of her to love. When she feels that she has been betrayed, how do they know that she would not choose to commit suicide in the extreme?

Some people can be strong, but they can also be fragile.

Chu Chu was like that, and Qiantao's body, except for her face, couldn't find anything similar. She had a gentle smile that Chu Chu had never seen before, and she had a ladylike temperament that Chu Chu didn't have. Between her gestures, she was the kind of person who had been in the upper class for a long time, and Chu Chu was completely in two worlds.

So after watching it for a long time, I begin to feel that they are indeed two people.


Yun Shen doesn't seem to think so.

Their eyes fell on Ye Yunshen, who had always insisted.

Otherwise, there is no need to behave like Li Hengzhi in this link of wrist-wrestling in front of your own woman. You must win, right?

The two of them have been deadlocked at the middle line for a long, long time. Their eyes met in the air, both hands were tense, the veins and muscles burst out, and sometimes they fell towards Ye Yunshen, thinking that the hope was over, but He quickly broke the past, sometimes thinking that Li Hengzhi was about to lose, Qiantao looked anxious and gave him some fuel, and his strength returned.

You come to me, no one takes advantage.

"Stop it!" Li Tianyou grabbed the hands of both of them, suddenly startled, full of power! "Why don't you rock-paper-scissors? Whoever wins wins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Tianyou felt two murderous glances at him.

I was so scared that I immediately raised my hand and surrendered: "OK OK... you continue, I won't bother."

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