You For Eternity

Chapter 493: Chu Chu will not commit suicide (10)

Li Tianyou's heart was broken.

Why are you two fighting each other with me?

Does he look so easy to bully?

It is understandable for my cousin to win, what excitement Yun Shen joins in? That was his sister-in-law Qiantao, but not his ex-girlfriend(?) Chu Chu.

That's how Li Tianyou guessed. If Chu Chu is not his ex-girlfriend, he doesn't believe it.

Li Tianyou pulled Qiantao over, "Sister-in-law, or you call to stop, they may be able to last until tomorrow morning."

"I feel so too……"

Qiantao is also a bit embarrassed, these two wrists have been standing in the center for a long time! So he bent down and smiled: "Mr. Li, Mr. Ye, why don't you forget it?"

Qiantao's pleasant voice was like spring water in the mountains, reaching their ears, and the two turned around at the same time to see how she blinked and asked, as if she was suddenly stabbed by a needle, and she was discouraged.

The two looked at each other, as if they had reached a consensus, and at the same time released their hands.


Other people who were not involved in this link also breathed a sigh of relief one after another, as if what they let go was not their own hands, but their necks.

I can finally breathe!

Li Hengzhi turned his right hand, and said calmly, "General Ye's strength is really great."

"To each other."

"Compared to what? Since it is a game, there is always a win or lose."

"One-handed push-ups?"

Everyone looked at each other, even better? !

These two people are still endless...

Before breaking their wrists, they had already compared several items! It's just not winning or losing! But now, there seems to be an obsession between them. Today, there is no comparison, not going home!

Li Tianyou stroked his forehead and aimed at Qiantao, asking her to think of a solution quickly.

Qiantao glanced at the coffee table...

"Yes! I have a suggestion for a game that doesn't hurt peace or effort!"

Everyone looked at her.

Li Hengzhi and Ye Yunshen each have two plates in front of them. The two plates on the left are full of peanuts, and the right is empty. The rules of the game are simple and clear. Within three minutes, whoever gets the most will win!

The others sat on both sides, secretly applauding Qiantao.

Because this kind of game time is short, the effect is fast, and there must be winners or losers! They can't even the same frequency? In this way, thank goodness, the torture of them tonight is over!

However, they all feel that this simple game is useless for anyone to mention. Only if Qiantao mentions it, will they agree?

Qiantao is the referee, timing: "Start!"

Next, a funny scene happened. Because the two of them used too much force in the wrist-wrestling link just now, the hand holding the chopsticks seemed to be added with a motor, and the shaking could not stop. Time passed for a minute. Not even one clipped it.

Li Hengzhi and Ye Yunshen probably both felt a little embarrassed. They grabbed the trembling hand with the other hand, hoping to use their strong willpower to defeat the tremor.

However, the muscles are no longer obedient.

Everyone was still laughing at first, but then they thought again, eh, it's not right, will it be a tie?

Only Qiantao, looking at the time, watching them want to laugh but dare not laugh, the focus does not seem to be on who loses and who wins, when a peanut on Li Hengzhi’s plate jumps out of control into her arms , Finally broke the deadlock with an unbearable "poof", "So, do you want to compare this way in the future?"

The two put down their chopsticks with a "pop", "Did you deliberately?"

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