You For Eternity

Chapter 631: Everything is destined (2)

"Ah... Auntie, this is too much trouble for you."

"No trouble! God bless his dad is in the hospital all day long, God bless does not know where to run all day long, I am bored at home alone! Holding a big treasure sun teasing, what a wonderful day!"

Aunt Li was too enthusiastic, and Gu Tong couldn't help it: "Then aunt, let me think about it..."

Although Qianyi belongs to the Li family anyway, there is still a difference between this grandma and the uncle and grandma... Gu Tong did not dare to respond directly.

"Dad! You are not good at chess, I will come here!" Seeing Uncle Li was about to lose, Li Tianyou was about to go into battle quickly.

Aunt Li came out of the kitchen and immediately started to pull Li Tianyou up, "What are you doing for the fun! Tongtong said that he would buy a brush for Qianyi. You can accompany her to a nearby shopping mall!"

This listening is an excuse.

Gu Tong, who was mentioned by name, was also confused. When did she say...

"Which paintbrush to buy at night?"

"I'll use it tomorrow..." Qianyi cleverly joined the fun.

"Have you heard that Qianyi will use it tomorrow!" Aunt Li said, "Tong Tong is not familiar with this neighborhood, would you let her go and look for a girl at night? Hurry up, don't mother-in-law, Just be neat!"

Li Tianyou was stunned when Aunt Li was picked up from the sofa. She pushed one with one hand and pushed Gu Tong and Li Tianyou out the door.

Chu Chu watched all this silently, thinking, aunt's heart was also a little worried...

Looking at this development, Li Hengzhi was quite satisfied, and said, "I took care of Gu Tong quite well, and it is God blessed to be able to cure it."

"Right? I like this girl!" Aunt Li sat down and hugged Qian Yi. "And my future baby grandson, Qian Yi, do you like grandpa and grandma?"

"Like it." Qian nodded.

Watching this scene, Chu Chu fell into entanglement.

"General--" Li Hengzhi ate Uncle Li's handsome, "Accepted Uncle Li."

"Hey..." Uncle Li sighed, "How can Hengzhi do anything like that? Everything is good!"

"You have to be better than him, isn't this President of Glory you?" Aunt Li joked.

Chu Chu watched and listened, and took Li Hengzhi's hand, not wanting to make things complicated, so he leaned into Li Hengzhi's ear and said quietly, "My husband...I want to tell you something... "

Hearing her tone, Li Hengzhi knew it in his heart, and turned his face to look at her: "What's the matter."

"Then can you agree to me first, be calm and calm, no matter what you hear, you can't be angry, I have troubles... I count surrendering? It can reduce the sentence, right? Please take it lightly..."

"Hmm..." Li Hengzhi deliberately raised the ending, "Let's listen to it, I will tell you after listening, if I want to reduce your sentence."

Chu Chu swallowed, watching Aunt Li like Qianyi more and more, and felt that she could no longer hide it, "Actually... Qianyi... is not Tongtong's son."

Li Hengzhi was as calm and calm as she said, without any excitement or frizz, looking at her quietly. However, Chu Chu was strange: "Huh? Are you not surprised?"

"It's not you who made me calm down? Hmm...not Gu Tong's son, who's that?"

His reaction was so strange...

Chu Chu looked at his expression, listened to his rhetorical question, blinked, and suddenly... was stunned.

The corners of his lips had such a small smile that was not easily noticeable, but it was enough to make Chu Chu understand.

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